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Coming up with sweet things to say to a girl can be tough for some of us guys because society has not always been supportive of men verbalizing their emotions. Only recently has there been a huge push toward communication that reflects what's really in our hearts.
We've compiled an extensive list of sweet things to say to her to suit any situation.
Whether you're in a long term relationship already or you're considering how to get a girlfriend, getting yourself comfortable with all the ways there are to say you love her is a sign of maturity and personal excellence. You'll want to know how to talk to girls to bridge the chasm between the sexes that becomes less and less significant with each passing year.
13 The Best Sweet Things To Say To A Girl

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Knowing what to say to a girl can seem daunting at first, especially if you've spent most of your time with your guy friends or you didn't grow up with sisters.
While it's true that on the surface, girls have a different style of communication, we're all human. There are curiosity and longing on both sides. It's time to step up the authenticity of your relationships.
If you've ever wondered what to say to a girl, this list is for you.
1. They say a picture tells 1,000 words, but when I see yours, all I see is 3: I Love You
This line has it all - a nice setup, a witty punch line, and genuine passion for your lover. Use these right words on your sweetheart to make a real impact; surely, you can see her showing up with a beautiful smile.
2. Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with all the nice things and reasons I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.
We're not sure why, but talking about stars always evokes romantic feelings. Share this line with her, and she'll know you've been staring up at the night sky, thinking about her as if she is your whole world.
3. Loving you and breathing are the same thing. I can't live without either of you.
This sweet love quote can make a girl fall in love. One thing to remember: it's pretty intense. Remember to say it as you mean it. Treat it like a promise.
4. Every time I am free, I let my thoughts wander and allow them to go wherever they desire. Every time, they end up thinking about you, my love of my life.
Confessing that you can't stop thinking about someone is a big deal. It's a brave thing to do, to express your affection, but it can leave you with a beautiful romance if you express yourself properly - which is what this line allows you to do!
5. I hate admitting things. I hate wanting things. But I will admit that I've never wanted another person the same way I want you.
This is a great line because it doesn't sound cheesy. It's also one that girls probably haven't heard before. You can set yourself apart with this one, and it will definitely make your girl blush. Make her realize that she is your better half. It will surely make a mark.
6. If I were a bird, I would grow the brightest feathers and do the best dance to win your heart.
One thing's clear: This line is seriously cute and will give you butterflies. If you're going for an innocent angle, this one is an excellent option. It shows you're not afraid to be a little childish and show off your flaws.
7. A bad day turns to perfection whenever I am with you. You take all my sadness away.
This is a beautiful thing to say to let her know you need her in your life, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It means you trust her enough with your problems, and you want her around because you feel better when she's there.

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8. There are times when you literally just take my breath away.
That breathless feeling where joy and adoration make you gasp is one of the best parts of being in love.
9. There isn’t anyone else I would rather be with.
You are placing her at the top of your hierarchy of people you spend time with.
10. All I want to do is be the best man in the world for you.
You want to find yourself in a relationship with a woman that helps you be a better version of yourself and sharing that your conscious of it is incredibly rewarding to another.
11. There is no one else in the world who gets me like you do.
You are reveling in a deeper connection with her than you usually experience and you are expressing gratitude for her empathy and attention.
12. Your small imperfections make you perfect.
Like us, most women start out with that voice of insecurity in their head that worries whether people around her are judging her. It is a relief to be told that the very things that gave her anxiety are seen by someone else as beautiful.

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13. You complete me in a unique and wonderful way.
You're saying that your aspirations for growth and exploration lie outside of the typical square. You're expressing openness to spontaneity when you acknowledge the ways she's unexpectedly influenced you.

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13 Sweet Things To Say To Start A Conversation With A Girl
We all wear our masks when we're out and about. It's time to take them off. You'll want to know how to start a conversation with a girl that inspires both of you to feel more for the other with each passing moment. You'll want to know how to sustain it too. Real connection takes courage.
14. What can a guy do to always make you feel loved and wanted by him?
This question is powerful. You are asking what she wants and needs from you to feel loved. Be aware that if she struggles with self-esteem, this is one is a hard one to answer authentically. Sometimes we're afraid to ask for what we really need because we're used to being disappointed or we don't think we really deserve it.
15. Did you do something different with your hair or clothes? Well, whatever it is, it worked. You look great!
A girl loves when a guy notices her nuances and thinks to comment on them. It lets her know that he's present with her.
16. I think you're perfect but if there’s one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be and why?
This question offers a window into her insecurities or something she's had past trauma around. You have a chance to become more familiar with what triggers her. Awareness of each other's wounds is an important part of a strong relationship.

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17. Do you like it when a guy you like addresses you with a pet name? If you like it, then do you mind if I give you your very own nickname?
Some women love being called by a cute nickname, others hate it. Asking first shows consideration. If she's into it, pet names are a great way to grow intimacy.
18. What’s one thing you’ve done, but will never end up doing again?
Find out about how she handles feelings of regret. Discover her reflections on how she has changed. Learn what she values. You'll also gain insight into how strong she is in the capacity to learn from her mistakes.
19. What’s your most bizarre or weirdest deal breaker?
We all have deal breakers. Some of us have many. Some of us have few. Some deal breakers are universal truths. Others reflect traumatic responses and insecurities. Others seem irrelevant and petty but must be respected just the same. It's best to get these out of the way early so they don't come as a shock down the line.
20. Who do you think knows you the best?
You'll gain insights into the quality of her family relationships and her friendships.
21. What’s the nicest thing someone could genuinely say about you?
You'll gain insight into the qualities she values and the areas where she emphasizes her growth.

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22. What is your ideal dream date?
What experience with you would knock her socks off, so you can plan it? You'll learn about the physical experiences she values.
23. Which do you like more, going out or staying at home?
This is a big one to ask at the beginning of a relationship to gauge future compatibility. Compatibility around how a couple spends their leisure time together is the foundation of a relationship. If one partner feels pressure to go out or stay in when they don't want to, that can lead to dissatisfaction later on.
24. What in life are you the most grateful for?
This is a huge indicator of her values and her ability to recognize the positivity in her life. Is she a glass half empty or a glass half full kind of person? (And in turn, which one are you?) A woman whose gratitude list is infinite is an emotionally healthy person.
25. What’s your ultimate goal in life?
Compatibility of goals is an integral discussion point in every relationship. Discussing them will encourage you to become aware of your own goals and your level of flexibility around short and long term personal goals.
26. If you could go back in time, what would you want to change?
Does her answer concern only an event in her own life or does she hop into her time machine to bound across history to observe or influence lives beyond her own? You'll learn how wide or narrow the scope of her thought process is.

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11 Sweet Things To Say To A Girl You Like
Maybe you've just started dating a girl that you're really into and you dream of calling her your girlfriend allowing a real relationship to unfold. We've put together a list of things to say to a girl you like so that you can really make the best of your newfound attraction.
27. I love your sense of humor and it adds life to everyone around you.
Laughter is indeed the most powerful vehicle of love and connection.
28. I appreciate the way you care for people and value friends.
The healthiest kind of relationship is one where both partners are inspired rather than jealous when observing their partners show love, devotion, commitment and adoration toward others in their life.
29. Maybe I don’t understand love completely, but when I look at you, I feel how beautiful it is.
There comes a point where there really aren't any words that can contain the full vibration of love itself and two partners operate on intuitive connection alone. Love between two souls ceases to be containable by the mental mind.
30. I was searching for something that would give some meaning to my life, and I found you.
You differentiate between the shallow, material aspects of life shown to us in the media and wish for something more. The stuff of life that the economy can't be driven on.

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31. You’re amazing in so many ways I can’t even imagine.
You are saying that you know you have only seen the tip of the iceberg of her excellence and you're excited to understand more with time.
32. I feel such amazing chemistry when I’m with you.
You're letting her know that that sixth sense is awake in her presence and you're feeling things with your heart and intuition and your body when you are with her. Chemistry refers to a pheromone response. It is primal and powerful.
33. Call me when you get home, so I know that you're safe.
Protecting and caring for a girl might be one of the sweetest things that any guy can do.
34. I may not be your first for anything, but I want to be your last for everything.
This one's a little intense, but it's perfect for emotionally charged moments where you're looking to open up the possibility of a deeper relationship with her.
35. You are the highlight of my day, every single day.
If this one really is true for you, you should say it to her as often as you can, in as many ways as you can.
36. Thank you for making my day brighter.
Showing gratitude is a fundamental activity for increasing your appreciation of life and the women that are special to you in it.
37. Whenever I count my blessings, I count you twice.
Sweet and sappy but a little bit funny as well, this makes for a fantastic text any time of day.
10 Sweet Things To Say To A Girl Over Text
Texting is an integral part of courtship these days. It can be very stream-of-consciousness. It allows us to keep our loved ones in our daily life experiences and get to know someone's reactions to the daily mundane. Sweet things to say to a girl over text can also really encourage her throughout the day and keep your flame alive.
You'll want to know how to text a girl to keep both of you interested, engaged, and moving forward in your relationship. You'll also want to know how to start a text conversation with a girl in the early phases of dating.
38. On a beautiful day like this, the only thing that could improve it is having you by my side.
You're feeling positive about lots of things in life.
39. My life has never been the same since I met you.
She has the power to heighten your experiences and you are acknowledging your heightened state.

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40. You make my heart race without doing a thing.
Remind her that she doesn't have to lift a finger to amaze you.
41. Every time you smile it warms my heart.
The perfection of a smile knows no bounds.
42. You brighten my day with the sound of your voice, so call me ASAP- I want to hear it.
We love hearing the voices our loves. Whether bound by the roughness of sleep or singing to the strumming of a guitar. Take it beyond texting.
43. How do you manage to look so beautiful all the time?
Said in the proper tone of voice, this one can be flattering and a statement of intent.
44. You get more beautiful every time I see you.
This one is ideal for when you're meeting up after a long time apart.
45. I like you more than chocolate cake.
Simple, sweet, and goofy, try saying this one with an irreverent tone.
46. I enjoy every moment with you.
Good times and bad times can all turn into important, worthwhile moments when you share them with someone special. This statement lets her know that, and reassures her of her importance in your life.
47. Will you share some of your beautiful memories with me?
Perfect for any quieter moments that you're sharing together, this question can help develop deep feelings of connection between you and a girl you like.
15 Sweet Things To Say And Talk About With A Girl
Bonding over deep questions takes you one step past the simplicity of sweet things to say to a girl and into the beyond of authentic relationship and higher love.
We've got you covered with a handy go-to list of interesting things to talk about with a girl so you can get to know her as well as you know yourself.
48. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
Saturday nights are symbolic of perfected personal time and cutting loose from responsibilities.

via: Unsplash / Tim Mossholder
49. Name two things you consider yourself to be really bad at.
You'll learn where she feels humble. Notice whether she mentions an ability like "basketball," or a character trait like "being patient."
50. Do you like romantic movies? Which are your favorite ones?
Romantic movies were created to reflect the human longing for intimacy and love. If romantic movies resonate with her, chances are she likes to express her love in a similar way.
51. Do You Have A Lucky Number?
How much do synchronicities influence her life? Is she superstitious? Does she see angel numbers like 222, 333, and 555 everywhere she goes?
52. How would you define self-confidence?
This question is huge. It reveals the trajectory of her goals for personal growth and how far along she is in it.
53. Who are your top three lady heroes?
You'll gain insight into how she receives the influence of role models and what kinds stand out to her.

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54. Do you have any old friends who you wish you could meet up with again?
You'll learn how she has changed that caused her to lose contact with them and the parts of herself that she wants to regain.
55. What was your favorite childhood toy?
If it is a sentimental memory of hers, she might love if you bought it for her again to show how you honor the child she once was.
56. What was the best gift you’ve ever given to someone?
You'll learn her language for reflecting her appreciation for another through gifts.
57. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grow up? And do you still want it?
How much or how little has her life trajectory changed since she was young? Has she "started over" along the way? How has she dealt with potential setbacks and how has she grown through the challenges?
58. What game was your favorite while growing up?
Was it a game like hide and seek? An organized sport like basketball? A video game? Monopoly? Sudoku? Wheel of Fortune? You'll find out a lot about her lifestyle preferences in this one simple question.

via: Unsplash / Sandy Millar
59. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Does she choose the ocean or the mountains? The city or the country? Somewhere warm or cold? A specific place that supports a specific lifestyle?
60. What have you learned from your past relationship?
This is another power question. Does she blame the other person or does she reflect on her own mistakes? Does she consider it a successful relationship even though it ended? You'll learn everything about her self-awareness, her confidence and how she'll handle herself when the honeymoon period is over in your relationship and it's time to do the real work to keep the relationship alive and healthy.
61. What is the most important thing that guys should understand about girls?
You'll get an idea of whether her past experiences have left her hurt, optimistic or a little of both.
62. What’s your favorite photograph of yourself?
You'll learn a little bit about her securities and her insecurities by how she chooses to present herself in photos.
10 Sweet Things To Say And Talk About On A First Date

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Everyone gets nervous on the first date. Awkward silences are uncomfortable for everyone and it really shows initiative to be well prepared with things to talk about on a first date so that they don't happen.
63. Do you like to shop?
You could get an idea of how fashion and style conscious she is.
64. Do you like dancing?
You'll know what to do together for the second date if you do.
65. How do you deal with stress?
Discussing the universal nature of stress seems to effectively lower stress.
66. What’s the first thing you notice about guys?
What are her dating and relationship values?
67. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
This could clue you in on how positively or negatively she deals with challenges and setbacks.

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68. Give the names of 3 things you love most and why?
This is the easiest way to figure out her values. You can gauge her depth by whether she lists material things, people in her life, or intangibles like "freedom."
69. Let’s go on an adventure.
Ladies love exploring just as much as guys do, so why not get right to the point and ask them to join you for a spontaneous trip?
70. When I count my blessings, you are at the top of my list.
Cliched? Maybe. But if you're already close with her, sweet messages like this are a sure way to bring a smile to her face.
71. I cannot wait to grow old together.
Obviously you'll want to save this one for a girl that you're dating, as it's a powerful way to communicate the depth of your feelings for her.
72. Can I take you out on a date again soon?
Respectful but direct, this question is a perfect setup to any number of other things to say to a girl that you'll find on this list.
5 Sweet Things To Say To Girls At Parties
Parties are great opportunities to communicate your attraction to girls by flirting. You're going to want to know how to talk to girls at parties.
73. “You know, I think I’d rather dance with you.”
This is a sweet thing to say to her to let her know that you've chosen her above others.
74. Your dance moves are quite amazing.
Complimenting a girl who knows she's got it on the dance floor is a great way to let her know you're noticing her body and her confidence.
75. Your perfume smells amazing, what is it?
Women wear perfume intentionally to attract men and noting it is a direct way of saying you're into her.

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76. You look lovely this evening, although I have to imagine you do every evening.
You're telling her you're imagining what she's like beyond just tonight.
77. Would you like to dance? I promise I won’t embarrass you too much.
A humble invitation can make her smile.
Downloadable List of Sweet Things to Say to A Girl
Here is a downloadable list of sweet things to say to a girl (right-click the image and select Save Image As...):

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Some people find it hard to piece together words, whether trying to impress a girl or getting her to like them through messages. Here are some answers to the most common queries on quotes to send to girls.
How to decide which sweet things to say to a girl?
- The sweet things you say have to match the amount of time you have known her. (e.g. Don't tell her you love her on the first date.)
- Recognizing her character and things that she has chosen holds more value than complimenting things out of her control like her height or eye color.
- When you ask thought-provoking questions to keep the conversation going, make sure you are also showing a comparable amount of vulnerability that you are asking of her in your answers.
Can I impress a girl with quotes?
You can impress a pretty girl with the right quotes. Look for quotes that she can relate to, not just the first ones you see on the internet.
Are there any other ways to inspire a girl?
Aside from that inspiring Instagram caption, girly girl quotes, and sweet messages, there are tons of ways to inspire a girl. Encourage them in their dreams, support them in their endeavors, and don't forget to make them feel empowered.
Does knowing quotes make me seem smart?
Knowing quotes may make you seem smart. But if you want the impression to stay that way, make sure you understand what these quotes mean. It's not enough to memorize a couple of lines without knowing how to interpret them.
Do quotes actually work?
Quotes work when it is coupled with effort. Sending a cute quote will only work if your actions reflect them. It's the same as every motivational message people tend to keep with them as a reminder. They are there to inspire people to act.
More Awesome Tips To Talk To Girls
If you're still not quite sure about choosing cute things to say to a girl, we've got you covered. Check out some of these other tips for even more inspiration about how to "make the move."
- For a broader range of options, check out our list of things to say to your crush. You'll surely find tons of inspiration there.
- If you want to take a more suave, passionate approach, refer to these romantic things to say to your girlfriend. You've got this, Romeo.
- We've talked about cute things to say to a girl... But what about if she's seriously special to you? If you're focused entirely on talking to your crush, check out these cute things to say to your crush.
In Conclusion
Now, you're all set with the best cute things to say to a girl. It won't be a challenge for you to think of compliments for girls, because this list of cute things to say to your crush is all you need.
Any one of these romantic words or a particular cute message here and there would eventually turn you into someone she'd consider to be a serious boyfriend. Just make sure to pick the right things to say at the right time, and you'll be good.