via: Unsplash / Elevate
Every guy needs good bar trivia questions. After all, they’re a great way to keep the good vibes going, especially when alcohol is involved. They also come in handy when you want to spark interesting, deep and memorable conversations. Combine them with icebreaker games and our collection of questions to ask and to make the lockdown more bearable.
We’ve rounded up a selection of tasteful trivia questions for dudes looking for an excuse to have a drink. Bottoms up!
8 Best bar trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Alexander Gamanyuk
We love good trivia questions here at Mantelligence. It’s even better when it’s in a bar because alcohol is involved. If you want to kill it in your trivial pursuit of excellence during the coronavirus lockdown, then we have you covered. We're bringing out the big guns with this one.
Check out this amazing collection of fun bar trivia to prepare yourself for your next pub quiz.
1. In a bar, if you were to order a boilermaker, what would you get?
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A shot of whiskey followed by a glass of beer
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This is a historical fact. However, this doesn't mean that the boilermaker should be limited only to whiskey. In the United Kingdom, for example, a boilermaker can be a mixture of two beers in equal proportions.
How many beers is a shot of whiskey?
2. Oktoberfest in Germany is celebrated with what drink?
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Revelers are served by 6 breweries in Munich. It is forbidden to drink any beer aside from Munich-brewed beer in this event. Don't be disappointed, the beer served comes from one of the most special breweries in the history of Germany.
3. Which country is responsible for giving us pizza and pasta?
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Pizza was first created in Naples, Italy way back the 1800s. Pasta, on the other hand, conquered the world with over 600 different pasta shapes recorded. How many pasta shapes have you encountered?
Nothing says Italian like pizza and pasta.
4. Which kind of alcohol is Russia notoriously known for?
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Only one rule: it should be served chilled, accompanied by salty snacks.
A bottle of Russian vodka just costs half a dollar and it doesn't contain fusel oils that cause heavy intoxication. Cheap but healthy, right?
5. What is called when a bottle of champagne is opened with a sword?
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Sounds like an overkill...
This iconic French tradition was kept alive by a formal order called the Confrerie du Sabre d’Or, or the Brotherhood of the Golden Sword. The group can be found in France, Britain, Malaysia, and Italy.

via: Unsplash / sultan esra şahin
6. Pulque is a beer made from what?
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Fancy drinking some cactus?
Pulque is made in Mexico that has the whitish appearance and tastes sour buttermilk-like flavor.
7. A ‘milk punch’ is made up of milk, sugar, and what alcohol?
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You can flavor it with melted butter, honey, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, or nutmeg.
8. “Alcohol” is a word derived from which language?
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Nobody should get this right.
The term "alcohol" was popularly known to be derived from the Arabic word, al-kohl, which is a dark cosmetic powder.
9 fun bar trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Tobias Nii Kwatei Quartey
The lockdown restrictions are now easing up. But it might take a while before you can start hanging out with your buddies like you used to. Until then, your diary is lined up with virtual quarantines, birthday parties, Zoom dates, and of course – quizzes.
If you’re suffering from quiz fatigue but still need to shock and awe your audience with your prowess, Mantelligence has your back. Kick back, pour a glass of your favorite brew, and test your knowledge with our fun trivia questions.
9. Where did backgammon originate?
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In Persia
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In Persia, backgammon is commonly called as takht-e-nard. It is thought to have been first played in ancient Mesopotamia and Sumer more than 5,000 years ago.
This would be an excellent question over a game of backgammon.
10. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
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A towel
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LOL! This riddle like fact should bring a smile to people's faces.

via: Unsplash / Curology
11. What does M&M stand for?
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Mars & Murrie
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Not many people know this.
The first production of M&Ms has only 5 varieties of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, and violet. In addition, the signature "M" on it wasn't there until 1950 which was stamped in black as opposed to the current printed now.
12. In football, who was nicknamed 'The Divine Ponytail'?
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Roberto Baggio
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He was given that nickname because of the hairstyle he wore then.
13. In which country was Keanu Reeves born?
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Who'd have thought?
He used different screen names such as KC Reeves, Chuck Spadina, and Page Templeton III after he found out that most casting directors were hesitant of having him because of difficulty in pronouncing his name.
14. Which season will be the last for CW’s Supernatural?
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Season 15
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The final season will consist of 20 episodes and the 13th episode was aired last March 23 this year. The remaining seven episodes are set to be back in fall.
Any Supernatural fans in the house?
15. What year did Game of Thrones premiere on HBO?
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Kit Harrington, who portrayed Jon Snow in the series, has to carry a total of 55 pounds every taping due to his costume, heels, and sword. How exhausting can that be?
They'll remember this if they can get past the disappointing ending.

via: Unsplash / Illumination Marketing
16. What is the technical name for the hashtag symbol?
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An octothorpe
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They probably use it every day but haven't a clue.
Don MacPherson coined octothorpe - octo since it has eight points and thorpe because he was a fan of Jim Thorpe, a football hero.
17. Which sport has been played on the moon?
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You can thank Apollo 14 astronaut, Alan Bartlett Shepard, for that. He was the first American to travel in Space in 1961.
13 funny bar trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Sam Barber
If you’re like us, the lockdown has probably turned you into a quiz pro. You’ve spent every evening for the last few months competing with your buddies over Zoom. It might even feel like all you’ve been doing is quizzing now that you can’t spend time with family and friends like you used to.
We have some funny trivia questions to spice up your virtual bar hangouts. They’re inspirational and downright fun.
18. What ailment kills the most fruit flies?
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They become constipated during pregnancy.
19. It's illegal in Georgia to do what with a fork?
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Eat fried chicken
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It was passed to promote the city as the "poultry capital in the world" in 1961.
20. At one point in Kansas, it's illegal to eat cherry pie with what?
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Ice Cream
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Because of the lack of suitable ingredients. However this was not enforced.

via: Unsplash / Brooke Lark
21. In Texas it's illegal to swear in front of a what?
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Don't say bad things in the presence of dead people.
22. What is Johnny Depp afraid of?
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This is called coulrophobia.
23. The average American does what 22 times a day?
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Opens Fridge
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It shows on the scale.
24. Which country has the most tornadoes by area?
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No way...
In research conducted by the University of Manchester between 1980 and 2012, they found out that there are 34 tornadoes on average per year, particularly in Southern England.
25. Henry VIII introduced which tax in England in 1535?
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A beard tax
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This law was dropped but later reintroduced by Queen Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII who set that a two-week grown beard had to be taxed. The longer the beard, the larger the tax one has to pay. Facial hairs can also be a social status you know.

via: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska
26. Who entered a contest to find his own look-alike and came 3rd?
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Charlie Chaplin
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He met his matches...
The Chaplin fever boosted during 1921 after appearing in 40 films and Chaplin look-alike contests started appearing at every corner. Legend has it that Charlie Chaplin was once lost by his imitator. Hilarious!
27. Which bird is nicknamed The Laughing Jackass?
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It's an eastern Australian bird of the kingfisher family.
28. What is Scooby Doo’s full name?
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Scoobert Doo
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"Scoobert" was revealed in A Pup Named Scooby-Doo and "Doo" was confirmed on one episode called It's a Wonderful Scoob.
Everyone will have a laugh with this one.
29. Every 15 minutes cockroaches do what?
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So impolite...
American cockroaches give off 35 grams of methane per year, more than 43 times their average body making them one of the major producers of methane alongside centipedes and beetles.

via: Unsplash / Robert Thiemann
9 easy bar trivia questions

via: Unsplash / kevin turcios
A round of bar trivia is something every member of your crew can enjoy. And you might learn a thing or two in the process. We have a collection of easy trivia questions that you can play in teams or ask each player to select a category to test their trivia chops.
The questions range from easy to a little more difficult so that everyone can join in. You’ll have fun with this.
30. What’s the shortcut for the “copy” function on most computers?
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ctrl c
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You can also use Ctrl + Insert.
All thanks to Mr. Larry Tesler for inventing the copy and paste function in computers first pioneered in Apple's software on Lisa computer in 1983.
31. Name the three primary colors.
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Red, yellow and blue
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Everything you learned as an elementary school coloring book expert.
The primary colors are not a fundamental property of light but a physiological response of our eyes. Human eyes have three types of cone cells that are sensitive to a range of light wavelengths known as Trichromacy, a type of color vision.
32. Name the world's largest ocean.
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It covers approximately 63 million square miles and is also considered as the deepest ocean. It covers more than 30% of the Earth's surface which is bigger than the combination of all the landmass of the seven continents.
33. What was the youngest age to summit Mt. Everest?
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His name is Jordan Romero, from California. Prior to this achievement, he already conquered two other summits at age 10; Mt. Kilimanjaro (Africas highest peak) and Mt. Kosciuszko (Australia's highest peak). His parents must be so proud!
34. Who was the first Western explorer to reach China?
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Marco Polo
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He was an Italian merchant, explorer, and writer. He reached China together with his colleagues in 1275 and spent 17 years there serving the Mongol emperor Kublai Khan.

via: Unsplash / Ling Tang
35. What is the most widely spoken language in the world?
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This is true when counting the native speakers only. There are a total of 1.3 billion speakers.
36. What is the deepest trench on Earth?
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Mariana Trench
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It's approximately 10,994 meters deep. Mariana Trench was named after the Marianas Islands which were also named after Queen Mariana of Austria. Its deepest spot is called the Challenger Deep.
37. What is the name of the world’s largest river?
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The Amazon River
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It's the largest river by discharge volume of water discharging a total of 209,00o cubic meters per second. The Amazon River flows from Peru, Colombia, and Brazil.
6 bar trivia questions for adults

via: Unsplash / John Fornander
Some people are really good at trivia. It doesn’t matter what the topic is or how difficult it is, they always seem to know the answer. Think you can match up to them? Well, we’ve got just the quiz for you.
To help you sharpen your trivia skills we’ve rounded up some of the best trivia questions for adults out there. Answer them if you dare!
38. What is London's biggest airport called?
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It had over 80.1 million passengers coming through in 2018.

via: Unsplash / Charles Postiaux
39. Which show is the highest-grossing production on Broadway ever?
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The Lion King
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Hakuna matata...
The show covered $1, 539, 318, 552 in total, and earned the 3rd spot in the most broadway performances since its launch on Nov. 13, 1997.
40. Which watch company has a pointed crown as its logo?
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Looks all sleek and exquisite.
All Rolex watches are handmade that it takes a year to finish even one watch. They are also undeniably worth millions due to the incorporation of 904L, the most expensive stainless steel in the world.
41. Bill Gates is the founder of which company?
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He's the second richest man in the world after successfully co-founding Microsoft. Although his net worth is $81.1 billion, he set the inheritance for his kids to be just $10 million each.
This is a good warm-up question.
42. How many films did Sean Connery play James Bond in?
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He was also the first character to portray James Bond in Dr. No in the 1962 film. His last portrayal was in 1983 in Never Say Never Again.
43. Which animal can be seen on the Porsche logo?
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The logo pays homage to Stuttgart. The black horse centerpiece represents power and the seal of Stuttgart, a horse-breeding farm in Southwest Germany.

via: Unsplash / Tim Meyer | @timm.jpeg
6 hard bar trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Shokhjakhon Kamolov
Looking for a challenge? Look no further. We’ve scoured the internet for the trickiest, toughest, and most obscure trivia quizzes. They’ll get everyone at the bar scratching their heads. If you can even get 5 of these hard trivia questions right, then you must be a super genius.
44. The French region of Grasse is famous for making what?
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It is a center of the perfume industry where large perfumeries such as Molinard, Galimard, and Fragonardoffer are located.
45. In which city was the peace treaty ending the Vietnam war signed?
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The treaty was signed on January 27, 1973, called Paris Peace Accords with a title, "An Agreement Ending The War And Restoring Peace in Vietnam".
46. Which vitamin is known as Pantothenic Acid?
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B5 helps to convert food into energy. It is one of eight B vitamins that convert protein, carbohydrates, and fats into energy. Vitamin B5 can be found in broccoli, sweet potatoes, whole-grain cereals, cabbage, mushroom, nuts, and eggs.
47. What is the tallest building in the world?
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Burj Khalifa
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Fancy making a trip to Dubai?
Burj Khalifa is three times higher than the Eiffel tower with over 828 meters height! It took 6 years to finish the construction which started from 2004 to 2010 which needed a total of 12, 000 workers for the entire project.
48. How long is the gestation period of an African elephant?
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22 months
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That's almost 2 years making it the world's longest gestational period! Elephants create five (on average) corpus luteum, a gland that helps regulate hormone levels that aids during pregnancy allowing baby elephants to survive for 2 years in its mothers' womb.

via: Unsplash / elCarito
6 random bar trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Timur M
Hosting a bar quiz is often a daunting and thankless affair. The easiest way to keep everyone on-side is by infusing your quiz with fun and quirky questions. Have you been enjoying trivia nights during the coronavirus lockdown and want to keep the activity going? You must check out our collection of random trivia questions and answers. They’re unbelievably good.
49. What happened on the first of January, 1901?
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Australia became a nation
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6 British colonies were united and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed.
50. What did the first vending machine dispense?
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Holy Water
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It was created in first-century Egypt by Hero of Alexandria. It was accounted in his book The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria, noting that one allocation of holy water is five drachms of coins.
51. What was eBay.com originally called?
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The first logo for AuctionWeb was called the Death Bar because of its sinister design and the first item sold on AuctionWeb was a broken laser pointer.
52. How many hearts does an octopus have?
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You read that right.
The three hearts have their designated function each; the two pump blood to the gills and the remaining pump blood around the body. Their blood has copper-rich hemocyanin that causes it to become blue!

via: Unsplash / Serena Repice Lentini
53. The book “Da Vinci Code,” was written by who?
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Dan Brown
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A great question for an avid reader.
It was the second novel by Dan Brown published in 2003, three years after his Angels & Demons which launched his career as a writer.
54. How many keys are on a standard piano?
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Has a total of 36 black keys and 52 white keys. Adrian Mann invented the largest piano that weighs 1.4 tons and 5.7 meters long which took him 4 years to finish!
3 bar music trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Juan Manuel Núñez Méndez
We’ve pulled together some of the best music trivia questions we could find. They’re perfect for a bar quiz, even a Zoom one. These gems will leave the participants scratching their heads and humming under their breath.
Ready to hit the first note? Let’s go…
55. Which Beatle had dyslexia?
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John Lennon
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Dyslexia made him great.
He had trouble memorizing and correct spelling during his studies which led to the conclusion that he had dyslexia.
56. Who was known as the “Fab Four”?
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The Beatles
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There is also a band called the Fab Four which is a tribute band for the Beatles.
57. Who wore a dress made out of meat at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards?
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Lady Gaga
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Lady Gaga at her best. In her interview on 'DeGeneres show, she explained that the dress was a form of protest against the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy and her statement to the restriction placed on the rights of gay soldiers.

via: Pexels / Lukas
6 bar history trivia questions

via: Unsplash / mana5280
History is fascinating for most people. You can see how events from way before you were born shaped and affected the world today. History trivia questions are the perfect way to take a trip back into time. You’ll be presented with amazing firsts and fun facts at every turn. This includes the best and worst of human civilization.
58. What kind of gas was used in the trenches during World War I?
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Mustard gas
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It forms large blisters on exposed skin and in the lungs.
59. In what year did the Titanic sink?
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The British passenger liner struck an iceberg. The last remaining survivor of the disaster, Millvina Dean, died on May 31, 2009, aged 97. She was two months old when the Titanic sinked.
60. In what state was Barack Obama born in?
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It's not Kenya.
Obama was both the first president born in the 50th state and outside the continental U.S.
61. What kind of animal did Bill Clinton have in office?
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A cat named Socks
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It was an adopted stray cat named Socks Clinton. He was adopted by the Clinton family in 1991.
62. In which year was Uber founded?
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It's been more than 10 years. It was originally called UberCab founded by Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick in 2009. Their brand name was changed later after it was introduced in San Franciso, now known as Uber.

via: Pexels / Trace Constant
63. What year was Prince George born?
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The first child of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
6 bar movie trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Dollar Gill
Are you a movie buff? We hate to break it to you, but you’ve come to the right place; wink! Grab a beer and gather some friends. Put your smarts to the test with our brilliant collection of movie trivia questions. You thought you knew a lot about movies. These will knock your socks off.
64. What is the name of Quint’s shark-hunting boat in Jaws?
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The Orca
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The most famous fishing boat in the cinema.
There were two Orcas used in the film. The first boat was operational and used in most regular fishing scenes while the second was prominently used for scenes that the boat is sinking or being destroyed.
65. Who wrote the famous, scary theme music from Halloween?
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John Carpenter
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He dreamed it up on an airplane. He was also the director of the film. Amazing, right?
66. What is the highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time?
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The movie earned a whopping $788.1 million.
67. What famous L.A. landmark is heavily featured in Rebel Without a Cause?
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Griffith Observatory
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This is Southern California's gateway to the cosmos. The observatory is a popular destination among tourists, especially for those who wanted to see the Hollywood Sign in a close view with ease.

via: Pexels / Paul Deetman
68. For what movie did Steven Spielberg win his first Oscar for Best Director?
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Schindler’s List
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Spielberg originally wanted to shoot the movie completely in German and Polish and just put subtitles but decided otherwise to not take away the importance of images onscreen.
It's now available on Netflix.
69. In The Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill?
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The "red pill" reveals an unpleasant truth while the "blue pill" keeps you in blissful ignorance.
5 80s bar trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Laura Cleffmann
The 80s are often ridiculed for their bad fashion and even worse hair. But it was a great time to be alive. Some of the best music and movies were made during this decade. Undoubtedly, the world was a much simpler place.
Do you remember much from this golden age? Find out with our collection of 80s trivia questions.
70. Which popular news network launched on June 1, 1980?
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The Cable News Network (CNN).
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It's been 40 years already. They were the first TV Channel to provide news 24/7 and the first network to air exclusive news in the United States.
71. Which 80s movie was the highest-grossing film of the decade?
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E.T. The Extraterrestrial
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It made $435 million in 1982. E.T.'s movements were made possible through the coordination fo three actors under the costume, namely Tamara de Treaux, Pat Bilon, and Matthew DeMerritt.
72. What island was the home of Bob Marley, who died in 1981?
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He died at the age of 36 due to acral lentiginous melanoma, a form of skin cancer.
A truly unforgettable musician.

via: Unsplash / Bill Fairs
73. Who released an album called Thriller in 1982?
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Michael Jackson
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Went on to become the number one album on the Billboard. Its music video was released on December 2nd, 1983, and was seen more than 681 million times on YouTube.
74. In which state did 80s chart-toppers Alabama come from?
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The band was formed in Fort Payne, Alabama.
7 halloween bar trivia

via: Unsplash / Gustavo Cultivo
Are you looking for some amazing halloween trivia questions? As always, we have you covered. Our list of trivia questions is probably the most interesting and challenging you’ve come across. You’ll come away with interesting and creepy facts about Halloween. Let’s dive in…
75. In what year will the next full moon occur during Halloween?
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Look out for it on October 31, 2020, and will be called a blue moon.
76. What item is banned from 12am on October 31 to 12 pm on November 1 in Hollywood?
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77. What fall festival activity did the Romans bring to Britain?
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Bobbing for apples
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It was a powerful symbol of immortality and fertility. It began as a British courting ritual, that has several game variations.

via: Unsplash / Erico Marcelino
78. The word Halloween is a contraction of what Christian holiday?
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All Hallow’s Evening
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It is the evening before the Western Christian feast of All Saints.
79. In what country was the phrase “trick or treat” first used by children?
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Well... trick or treat, Canada.
Trick-or-treating started in Ancient Celts in a belief that on the night before Halloween, the dead returns as ghosts so they left food and wine in order to appease them.
80. What was the original jack o’ lanterns made from?
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They were carved from turnips or beets to ward off unwanted visitors.
We can thank Irish immigrants for this.
81. In what country did carving jack o’ lanterns originate?
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Jack-o'-lanterns come from an Irish folktale about Stingy Jack, a poor and a drunkard man who outwitted the devil at least three times.
5 thanksgiving bar trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Matthew LeJune
Thanksgiving is the quintessential American holiday. Many families get together for dinner and tons of laughs. Spice things up this holiday with some beer and Thanksgiving trivia questions. You’d be surprised at how little people know about facts associated with Thanksgiving. Your guests will be stumped.
82. When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?
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It was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in October 1621.

via: Unsplash / SJ Baren
83. Which president ratified Thanksgiving an annual holiday?
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Abraham Lincoln
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To show gratitude for the Union Army victory, President Lincoln made an announcement at Gettysburg that November 26, 1863, will be the official holiday for Thanksgiving celebration.
Abraham Lincoln did a lot of great stuff.
84. What state raises the most turkeys?
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Minnesota has 450 farms that raised more than 44 million turkeys annually, which is 18% of all the birds produced and sold in the United States only.
I bet you didn't know that.
85. What food was present at the first Thanksgiving but is rarely eaten now?
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There was plenty of seafood at the time. To name a few, historians suggest that there were some crabs, clams, mussels, eels, and oysters because it was the resources they have first access to.
7 christmas bar trivia questions

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Nothing says family gatherings like some healthy competition. This is why we’ve compiled this list of Christmas trivia questions. You can challenge your holiday guests at this year’s Christmas party over a round of beers.
Brush up on your holiday trivia knowledge so you can awe your audience this coming holiday.
86. Where did the Nativity take place?
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Bethlehem lies 10 kilometers south of the city of Jerusalem, the place where the Church of the Nativity now stands is where Jesus was born.

via: Unsplash / Birmingham Museums Trust
87. Which country is the largest exporter of Christmas trees?
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There's no Christmas without a Christmas tree.
More than 2 million fresh-cut Christmas trees were exported around the world by Canada back in 2017 and continue to beat the numbers for years to come.
88. When was Christmas declared as a federal holiday in the United States?
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To be exact, it was declared an official holiday on June 26, 1870, after an Act of Congress was signed by President Ulysses Grant into law.
89. Which was the last US state to declare an official holiday for Christmas?
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Oklahoma declared Christmas a state holiday when it joined the union in 1907, a good year indeed for Oklahoma. It's better late than never, would you think?
90. Who once stole Christmas?
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The Grinch
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Only an avocado-green villain would do this.
In a 2000 live-action film adaptation, they explored how Grinch was bullied and teased as a child that ultimately lead him to hate Christmas.
91. Who created Rudolph, the most popular reindeer of Santa Claus?
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Robert L. May
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It was an assignment for Chicago-based Montgomery Ward to create a character for coloring books to be handed out to children visiting Santa in a department store.

via: Unsplash / Jørgen Håland
92. How many ghosts are there in A Christmas Carol?
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The ghosts are Jacob Marley, the ghost of Christmas past, the ghost of Christmas present, and the ghost of Christmas yet to come.
Downloadable and Printable List of Bar Trivia Questions
Here is a downloadable and printable list of bar trivia questions (right-click the image and select Save Image As:)...

via: Mantelligence
More Awesome Ice Breaker Games and Questions
Let’s face it… trivia questions are excellent icebreakers, and we have more where these came from. Check out our collection of trivia questions for different occasions and audiences.
- Our trivia for kids questions will come in handy when you’re hanging out with the kids.
- Don’t miss out on these mind wracking animal trivia questions. They’ll have everyone scratching their heads.
- It’s never a dull day when the guys get together for some Bible trivia questions and answers.
How To Pick the Best bar trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Jud Mackrill
Picking the right bar trivia questions is the most important step towards a fun and engaging quiz session. It can mean the difference between a fun-filled and exciting day and a downright boring one. And now you’re wondering… how can I pick the best bar trivia questions? This guide will give you the tips you need to select questions that will wow your audience and keep them engaged.
1. Have one person in mind

via: Unsplash / Taisiia Stupak
A quiz is a one-on-one situation. The person taking the quiz is speaking directly to you. This means the question should be directed to an individual rather than a group of people. We suggest that you pick a question for a single person in the audience. Make sure they’ll enjoy answering the question based on their interests.
2. Personalize the questions

via: Unsplash / Jonathan Borba
Ask people about themselves. According to research, people spend more than 60% of their time talking about themselves. Take advantage of this and pick questions that get the audience to say something about themselves. They’ll have more fun with the quiz.
3. Ask questions relevant to the topic

via: Unsplash / Emmanuel
Make sure the question sticks to the theme of the quiz. Bar trivia should be fun and chilled out. You don’t want to ask super-serious questions. For example, a question about an alcoholic drink would be perfect for a night out at the pub with the boys. Avoid questions that are off-topic.
4. Use humor and keep it fun

via: Unsplash / samy benabed
The whole point of the quiz is to have fun. Pick questions that inspire conversation and allow people to express themselves. Make sure to throw in some funny questions.
5. Keep things simple

via: Unsplash / Hangula lucas
Don’t try to be too smart. Don’t pick questions that make you seem like you’re trying to trick your audience. You’re playing a losing game. Your audience will spend more time trying to figure things out rather than enjoying the quiz. You should try to hit the sweet spot. The questions shouldn’t be too easy or too hard.
More awesome ways to spend your time
If you have already done every single item on this list and you still want more ways to pass the time, we've got your back.
- If you've got some creative energy that needs to be released, head to our list of creative hobbies. You might just find your new favorite thing.
- When your friends pay you a visit and you cannot think of anything to do, take a look at this list of fun things to do with friends at home. No dull moments, that's the goal.
- Now, if the dull moment has already come, fret not because we also have a list of things to do when bored with friends here.
In Conclusion
Looking for some engaging bar trivia questions for your next hangout? You now have all the knowledge you need to crush it. Gather some friends and family for an amazing night filled with laughs and mind-bending questions. Treat yourself to your favorite drink while you’re at it. Happy quizzing!