via: Unsplash / Latrach Med Jamil
Christmas trivia questions are a great way to keep people engaged and entertained during the Christmas season. (Or, any other time of the year you decide to play a game of Christmas trivia quiz.)
What better way to break the ice than with these Christmas-themed ice breaker questions?
Icebreakers are always the perfect way to take your gathering from awkward to awesome! And there's no better time than Christmas day to use these trivia questions to test your knowledge on all things Christmas.
With this list of questions to ask, you'll give everyone so many things to chat about -- from old Christmas movies to their favorite Christmas jingles -- you'll get the Christmas spirit going!
10 Best Christmas Trivia Questions

via: Pexels / RODNAE Productions
The best Christmas trivia questions are the ones that bring out the joy in people while challenging them at the same time.
Here are the 10 best Christmas trivia questions:
1. How many ghosts show up in A Christmas Carol?
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The spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come, and Jacob Marley, Scrooge's former business partner, is the first ghost to appear.
2. Which real-life person is Santa Claus based on?
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The Christian bishop St. Nicholas
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Santa was known for his kindness and generosity, which gave him this title. However, St. Nicholas didn't look much like the Santa that we all know today.
3. How many gifts were given in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” song?
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One more present would have made up a whole year's worth of gifts... Unless this song was written based on a leap year.
4. What popular Christmas song was written for Thanksgiving?
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Jingle Bells
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The song's original title was "One Horse Open Sleigh" -- it's no wonder it was preferably played during Christmas.
5. What are Christmas trees also called?
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This is due to the comparisons between Christmas trees and Yule-trees.

via: Unsplash / Oliver Dumoulin
6. On what street did a Santa Claus miracle occur?
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If you know the movie title, you know the answer.
7. What is the capital of Christmas Island?
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Flying Fish Cove
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Christmas Island is a tourist destination known for its extraordinary coral reefs and caves and, aside from the name, has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas!
8. What does Santa ride on in Finland?
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9. What month observes the shortest day in the northern hemisphere?
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This day is the winter solstice, the shortest day, and the year's longest night.
10. In what year did Hallmark make its first Christmas cards?
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Hallmark Christmas cards came five years after the company was founded. However, they were not the first. People originally started sending Christmas cards in 1843.

via: Unsplash / Aaron Burden
9 Random Questions You Should Include In Your Christmas Trivia

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Random trivia questions and answers are always fun because you never know what to expect. So, to mix things up for your Christmas trivia games, we've put together a list of random Christmas trivia questions and answers that will certainly take the conversation from one end to the other.
11. In which direction should you stir mincemeat for good luck, clockwise or anti-clockwise?
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This Christmas superstition is thought to bring bad luck for the next year to come when stirred anti-clockwise.
12. Which spirit is traditionally added to butter and served with Christmas pudding?
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Brandy can either be used to make sweet icing for Christmas pudding or to light the pudding on fire.
13. Where is the World's Largest Nativity Scene located?
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Einsiedeln, Switzerland
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Four hundred fifty figures were hand carved and set in front of a huge painted background (30 meters in length) to tell the story of Christmas.
14. Gingerbread houses were inspired by which popular fairy tale?
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Hansel and Gretel
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Rest assured, the only consequences you'll get when eating a gingerbread house of your own are all those added calories.
15. Which actor played the role of “Bad Santa” in 2003?
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Billy Bob Thornton
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Billy Bob Thornton has admitted that he was pretty drunk during the filming of "Bad Santa"- many of those scenes make sense now.

via: Unsplash / Filip Mroz
16. What is the name of the boy who builds the snowman in the movie of the same name?
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In the animation of "The Snowman", (which has no dialogue) the only reference to the boy's name is on a tag of a present he receives.
17. When was the ‘Do You Hear What I Hear?’ song written?
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Since 1962, this song has been covered by hundreds of artists, including; Whitney Houston, Carrie Underwood, Flyleaf, Johnny Cash, and even Elmo!
18. What’s the biggest snowman ever made?
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It's called Olympia
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Olympia, a snowwoman, held the title of the biggest snowman at 122 feet in height and was made of 13 million pounds of snow.
19. What is the main ingredient in traditional gingerbread cookies?
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Don't be surprised if you get a few "ginger" or "bread" answers.
10 Christmas Quiz Questions Perfect For Adults

via: Unsplash / Jakob Owens
It's always fun to have a separate set of Christmas trivia questions for adults to widen the range of topics in your game of trivia. Such trivia question is perfect for adults because they challenge them with things they're probably already familiar with.
20. Do folks still go caroling these days?
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Someone has to keep the tradition going.

via: Unsplash / Iyin | John Onaeko
21. What star sign would you be if you were born on Christmas Day?
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Christmas and birthday present all on the same day -- that's one lucky Capricorn!
22. In what year did Google start tracking Santa Claus?
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Since then, kids haven't had to wake up in the middle of the night to try and catch Santa.
23. What did Harry Potter get for his first Christmas at Hogwarts?
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Invisibility Cloak
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Something we all wanted for Christmas...
24. Did Christmas stop a war?
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25. This famous hotel magnate was born on December 25, 1887
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Conrad Hilton
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"Christmas is forever" is carved on his gravestone.

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26. How many weeks before Christmas does the 2003 film “Love Actually” begin?
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Watching "Love Actually" during Christmas time has 'actually' become a Christmas tradition.
27. What popular Christmas song did Eartha Kitt record in 1953?
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Santa Baby
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This song was considered offensive in 1953 -- my, how times have changed...
28. Who designed the first Christmas card?
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John Horsely
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Back when they were colored by hand.
29. What do the people of Finland do on Christmas Eve?
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Light candles on the grave of relatives
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Graveyards are said to be a "sea of light" during Christmas Eve in Finland.

via: Mantelligence
8 Trivia Questions About Christmas That Are Easy To Answer

via: Unsplash / Rodolfo Sanches Carvalho
The Christmas trivia game can come with some not-so-easy questions to answer, so we thought we'd make things a bit easier on you with these easy trivia questions.
30. What made Frosty come to life in the song "Frosty the Snowman"?
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Old silk hat
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Frosty's hat, which was magic, belonged to a magician who repeatedly tried to get the hat back.

via: Unsplash / Elijah Hail
31. What is the most popular Christmas Topper?
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Early Christian's used them to scare off evil spirits from their homes.
32. St. Nick's beard is like what feature of winter?
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Fluffy and white!
33. What holiday comes a week after Christmas?
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New Year's Day
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New Year's Day comes exactly 7 days after Christmas and always lands on the same day of the week as Christmas day.
34. What do most elves wear on the tips of their shoes?
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They have to make people aware of their presence some way.
35. The Grinch is as cuddly as a...?
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You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch has some unusually accurate descriptions for the Grinch.

via: Unsplash / David Sola
36. What type of weather is often associated with Christmas?
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It's pretty sad that a lot of people don't get to experience a snowy Christmas.
37. Miracle on 34th street took place in which city?
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New York
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You don't need to watch the movie to know this answer.
14 Challenging Questions To Ask During A Christmas Trivia Night

via: Unsplash / Wesley Balten
After that round of easy questions, we had to challenge you with these hard trivia questions.
38. What Bing Crosby song is the best-selling single ever?
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39. Which country possessed the most expensive Christmas Tree ever?
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40. Are Santa's reindeer male or female?
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Male reindeer don't have antlers during Christmas time.

via: Pexels / Annika Thierfeld
41. How long does it take a natural Christmas Tree to grow?
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6-15 years
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From a seedling to an 8 foot tree.
42. What is Santa Claus's zip code?
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H0H 0H0
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According to Canadians, of course.
43. Which continent is the turkey from?
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North America
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Oddly enough, the bird is named after the country; Turkey for passing through Turkish shipping routes to be delivered throughout Europe.
44. What Christmas food is made from "marsh-whorts"?
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Cranberry Sauce
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Marsh-whort is an old name for cranberry.
45. The name of Scrooge's dead business partner?
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Jacob Marely
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Jacob Marely dies on Christmas Eve, to which Scrooge is the only person to show at his funeral.

via: Unsplash / adrianna geo
46. Brenda Lee was doing what around the Christmas tree?
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Astonishingly, Brenda Lee was only 13 years old when she recorded "Rockin' Around a Christmas Tree".
47. What year was the Christmas card invented?
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The cards used to be a status symbol; the number of cards you received was a sign of your popularity. They mainly circulated among the wealthy, and sometimes servants were hired to help pile up the points by being sent out to deliver them. The idea was the more you sent out, the more you'd receive in return.
48. What Christian group banned Christmas in Boston from 1659 to 1681?
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The Puritans
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Trees and decorations were said to be unholy pagan rituals, and typical holiday dishes like pudding were outlawed. The Puritans ordered stores and businesses to stay open all day on Christmas Day. Even town criers were sent through the streets yelling, "No Christmas, no Christmas!"

via: Pexels / KoolShooters
49. What political cartoonist is largely responsible for defining what the modern Santa Claus must look like?
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Thomas Nast
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During the holidays in 1862, the "Father of the American Cartoon" drew Santa Claus visiting a Civil War Camp. Thomas Nast's drawing of Santa Claus first appeared on the cover of the January 3, 1863, issue of Harper's Weekly.
50. In what decade did Coca-Cola start using Santa Claus in advertisements?
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Coca-Cola developed "Sprite Boy" in 1942, a character who appeared in Coca-Cola ads alongside Santa Claus during the 1940s and 1950s. Sprite Boy was given his name because he was a sprite, meaning elf. Coca-Cola didn't introduce the popular beverage Sprite until the 1960s.
51. In what country did Silent Night originate?
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It was Christmas Eve, 1818, when Father Joseph Mohr asked his friend, Franz Gruber, to help him with a poem he had written two years earlier. Gruber, a school teacher, wrote an accompaniment for the poem. That night, the two men sang their song at St Nicholas Church, and it was then that one of the best-loved carols was born.

via: Unsplash / Annie Spratt
12 Fun Christmas-based Questions For An Enjoyable Trivia Game

via: Unsplash / Taisiia Stupak
Trivia is already a fun game, but it gets even funnier when you have a specific list of fun trivia questions! You'll have a great time just browsing through these fun Christmas trivia questions!
Here is a list of 12 fun Christmas-based questions for an enjoyable trivia game:
52. When was the "Jingle Bells" first played from space?
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This was actually the first song ever to be played from space.
53. Whose eye is made of coal?
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"Frosty the Snowman, was a jolly happy soul, With a corncob pipe and a button nose, and two eyes made out of coal".
54. Did celebrating Christmas used to be illegal?
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In 1647, Christmas celebrations were banned and replaced with a day of fasting due to the many festivities that were not biblical.
55. Who had the first Christmas tree?
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Martin Luther
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Martin Luther came up with the idea of candle-lit trees in 1536.

via: Unsplash / Jason Vigeland
56. In Japan, Santa is said to live on the moon. True or false?
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Of course it's false! How could Santa survive on the moon? ...As if the North Pole is survivable.
57. "I’ll be back again someday" were the last words of?
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The quote had been changed to "I'll be back again Christmas day" in the "Frosty the Snowman" song. At least we know when he'll be back.
58. The Ox and the Lamb kept time with whom?
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Litt;e Drummer boy
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Meaning, They kept pace with the beat of his drum.
59. In the Night before Christmas what was hung on the chimney?
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The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
60. Complete the lyrics: On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me…
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Five gold rings
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The origins of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song are unknown, but the best known English version was first printed in 1780 in a book for children called Mirth Without Mischief.

via: Pexels / Dayvison de Oliveira Silva
61. Name the kings who visited Baby Jesus.
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Casper, Melchor and Balthazar
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Their homage to the infant Jesus became one of the most popular themes in Christian art. Balthasar is said to be the king of Arabia or sometimes Ethiopia, Melchior as a king of Persia, and Casper, sometimes known as Gaspar, as a king of India.
62. Who stole Christmas?
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The Grinch
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Jim Carrey is famous for his role as The Grinch but did you know he almost quit the movie? It took eight and a half hours for the make-up and prosthetics application process, which he said in a 2014 interview on The Graham Norton Show was like being "buried alive".
63. What does the word "advent" mean?
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The first advent calendars were created in 1851 and were handmade. From Germany, Lutherans counted down the first 24 days of December.

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7 Funny Things To Know About The Yuletide Season

via: Unsplash / Taisiia Stupak
There's nothing like funny trivia questions to get a few laughs when playing a Christmas trivia game. Give these questions a go when you need to add more amusement to the game.
64. In the song "Jingle Bells" who was seated by my side?
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Miss Fannie Bright
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Til this day, it's a mystery as to who (or what) Miss Fannie Bright is.

via: Unsplash / Sebastian Spindler
65. Yogi Bear spends his first Christmas in what park?
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Jelly Stone Park
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Yogi Bear's Jelly Stone Park has actually been made into a camp resort with over 80 locations throughout the US and Canada.
66. Who said, "God Bless Us, Every One!"?
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Tiny Tim
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This quote is also repeated at the end of "A Christmas Carol" to symbolize the change in Scrooge's heart.
67. In Santa Claus the Movie, Joe drank what and burped?
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The best burps always come from fizzy drinks!
68. Alvin the Chipmunk wants what for Christmas?
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The Chipmunks Song, "Don't be Late", is one of the greatest Christmas songs of all time making it at number 1 in the billboard hot 100.
69. Which number was printed on Santa’s sweater while playing a football game?
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This "number 25 sweater" is worn on Santa in the 2002 film, "The Santa Claus 2", in case you're wondering.

via: Unsplash / Nathan Shively
70. Eggnog comes in both...
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Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic
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Most people prefer eggnog with alcohol. Not really sure if it's because of the taste or effect...
11 Historical Christmas Trivia Quiz Questions To Test Their Knowledge

via: Unsplash / John Matychuk
Christmas is entirely based on historical stories and traditions, so it only makes sense to catch up on your Christmas history with this list of history trivia questions. You may be surprised at everything you don't know about Christmas.
71. True or False: The first Christmas tree appeared in the United States.
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Germany was the first country to start the Christmas tree tradition with lighted candles as decoration.
72. Which country has a tradition of a witch dropping gifts for children through the chimney?
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This tradition is celebrated on the night of the Epiphany (January 5th).
73. Which American President banned Christmas trees in the White House?
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Theodore Roosevelt
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He did this in an attempt to save the trees that were largely being cut down for Christmas.
74. Who was the first person to wear a tailored Santa costume and walk around the store, distributing gifts?
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James Edgar
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This was a dream come true for many children. People started coming by train just so their kids could meet Santa in person.

via: Pexels / cottonbro
75. In what century was the first written use of Xmas?
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16th Century
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The X comes from the Greek word Christos, which means Christ in English.
76. What country started the tradition of exchanging gifts?
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Italy (Romans)
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This was a pagan tradition, but also adds a lot of meaning to Christmas; which is the gift of appreciation.
77. Which English leader banned the singing of Christmas songs?
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Oliver Cromwell
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Cromwell, who was a Puritan, believed singing was sinful, especially during a religious holiday.
78. In what country are Christmas trees decorated with spiders?
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Ukrainians believe that seeing a spider or spider web on a tree signifies good fortune for the next year to come.
79. What did Tom Smith invent in 1847?
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Christmas Cracker
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This was one of Smith's promotional ideas that became very successful.

via: Unsplash / Annie Spratt
80. What year was Santa's wife, Mrs. Claus, first introduced to the world?
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She was introduced through a poem called "Goody Santa Claus on a Sleigh Ride" -- Goody referring to Goodwife (Mrs.).
81. Which famous scientist was born on Christmas Day?
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Sir Isaac Newton
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This was according to the Julien Calendar, which was only used in England at the time. To the rest of the world, he was born January 4th.
10 Amazing Christmas Trivia Every Kids Should Know

via: Unsplash / Vika Fleisher
Kids also like to take part in Christmas trivia, although sometimes it can be a bit boring for them if there aren't any trivia questions for kids included.
82. Why were candy canes first invented?
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For bored kids at church
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Candy canes were made to imitate a shepherds hook in honor of Jesus.
83. What is a baby reindeer called?
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A calf
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A male deer is called a bull and a female deer is called a cow.
84. Is there a Mrs. Santa Claus?
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Santa needs companionship just like the rest of us.

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
85. How many reindeer drive Santa Claus' Sleigh?
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Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and, don't forget, Rudolph.
86. When is Christmas celebrated all over the world?
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December 25th
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However, a lot of countries choose to enjoy their festivities and traditions on Christmas Eve.
87. What color is the Grinch?
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The Grinch is rumored to have been changed to the color green in the adaptation based off the color of an ugly rented car in the same shade.
88. Traditionally who opens the gifts first?
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Younger family memner
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Because kids can't wait to open their gifts and wake up before everyone else on Christmas day.
89. Which snacks do kids leave for Santa?
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Milk and cookies
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Yes, but who gets to eat them?

via: Pexels / Suzy Hazelwood
90. Where did the word Christmas originate?
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It originates from the words Cristes Maesse meaning 'Mass Of Christ'.
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Christmas is actually a pretty recent word. The earlier term for it was "Yule" which referred to the feast of the winter solstice. Christmas in other languages is: Navidad in Spanish, Natale in Italian, Noël in French—all denote nativity.
91. What does mistletoe symbolize?
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Love, laughter, and compassion.
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Mistletoe is a plant that grows on trees, and some species are toxic to humans if ingested. The mistletoe berry ripens in December, and the plant stays green, which is why it appeals in wintertime.

via: Pexels / Donna Hamlet
7 Things You Should Know About Christmas Based On Biblical Events

via: Unsplash / Walter Chávez
Try these Bible trivia questions on people who claim to have read the Bible. You'll be quick to figure out who's telling the truth.
92. Who were the Magi?
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Wise men
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These wise men came to look for Jesus after he was born.
93. Christmas wasn't always on December 25.
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There is no mention of December 25 in the Bible.
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There is also no mention of the exact date of jesus' birth.
94. Which Old Testament prophet had the most say about the birth of Christ?
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Before the birth of Jesus, Isiah was believed to have lived already 700 years.
95. Which emperor ordered to kill all the young children?
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He did this in an attempt to get rid of the baby Jesus.
96. What guided the wise men to find Jesus?
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A star
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This is significantly why stars are placed atop the Christmas tree.

via: Unsplash / Jonathan Chng
97. To where did Jesus' family flee from Bethlehem?
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This was after an angel warned Joseph to leave with Jesus and Mary.
98. Just what is a heavenly host?
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An army of angels
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They have the heavenly power to assist the people of God.
3 Christmas In The 80s Trivia Questions and Answers

via: Unsplash / Alisa Anton
During the 80s, we were left with many timeless Christmas memories. Relive all of these memories with these 80s trivia questions and answers.
99. Can you name this movie where Bruce Willis takes on terrorists at a Christmas party?
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Die Hard
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Die Hard is one of the only action movies that also doubles as a Christmas movie. When these two genres mix, it totally works!
100. In 1989's National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, how long has Cousin Eddie been unemployed?
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Seven years
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National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is just one example of a National Lampoon movie, and there are many others.
101. Name the animatronic cassette-playing bear toy that every kid wanted for Christmas in the mid 80s.
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Teddy Ruxpin
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The 80s was the age of the cassette, and many people absolutely loved this interesting analog music format.

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5 Christmas Trivia Questions Based on Movies

via: Unsplash / Mason Kimbarovsky
One of the best parts of the festive season is the incredible number of movies brought out to warm our hearts, make us laugh, and bring us closer together. Ask some movie trivia questions to start a great conversation with the film buffs. Chances are, these aren't just watched during the holidays!
102. What’s the name of the town It’s a Wonderful Life takes place in?
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Bedford Falls
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Philip Van Doren Stern decided to give the gift of words to his closest friends for the holidays after years of unsuccessfully trying to sell his short tale, The Greatest Gift, to publishers. He sent out 200 copies of his story as a 21-page card. A producer at RKO Pictures, David Hempstead, got his hands on one of them and paid $10,000 for the film rights. It's a Wonderful Life became the film title.
103. How many Oscars did Miracle on 34th Street win?
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Miracle on 34th Street made the world believe in Santa Claus. In 1985, the movie was one of the first films to be colorized. Maureen O'Hara, who played Doris, was one of the film purists who believed it should have remained black and white. It created quite a controversy.

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104. In which state is Home Alone filmed?
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There is a lot of fun Home Alone trivia, including the fact that it was the highest-grossing Christmas film of all time until Jim Carrey's 2018, The Grinch, took the top spot. When John Hughes wrote the film, he had Macaulay Culkin already in mind. Chris Columbus still auditioned over 100 kids for the part, but none proved as good as Culkin.
105. What is the name of the head elf at the North Pole in the movie The Santa Claus (1994)?
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Written by Leo Benvenuti and Steve Rudnick, this comedy-drama film's title was almost going to be Such a Clatter until it was later changed. It starred Tim Allen as Scott Calvin, responsible for Santa Claus falling off his roof. The movie grossed $189 million and has since become a Christmas-time staple after its release in November 1994.

via: Unsplash / Craig McLachlan
106. What Christmas film features a train that takes children to the north pole?
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The Polar Express
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This animated feature was based on a picture book by Chris Van Allsburg, the author and illustrator famous for the 1981 children's book Jumanji. Both books were awarded the prestigious Caldecott Medal.
5 Easter Questions For Fun

via: Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko
Easter Sunday is a day jammed with the best food, boisterous family gatherings, Easter egg hunts, and other longstanding family traditions. This Easter, you can spice things up by playing Easter games with your loved ones. You can't have enough fun to do this Easter.
107. Which bread product is associated with Easter?
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The pretzel has origins as an official food for Lent. Legend has it that an Italian monk first made it in 610 A.D. He designed it to resemble the crossed arms of praying children.

via: Unsplash / Wesual Click
108. What animal brings Easter eggs to Switzerland?
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Switzerland's symbol of growth and rebirth is not the bunny-it's the cuckoo bird. Kids in the country fill their baskets by hunting for eggs left by the Easter Cuckoo.

via: Unsplash / David Clode
109. Which country boasts the most extensive Easter egg collection?
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More than 1500 Easter eggs are gathered from around the world in the Easter Egg Museum in Ciechanowiec, Poland. The founders of the museum have been collecting eggs for over 30 years.

via: Pexels / Dominika Roseclay
110. How much did the world's largest Easter egg weigh?
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The largest Easter Egg ever was created in Tosca, Italy. I.T. was measured back in 2011 at Le Acciaierie Shopping Centre in Cortenuov and had 19.6 m at its widest point.

via: Pixabay / Zauberei
111. What was the purpose of the Easter Act of 1928?
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To set a fixed date for Easter
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It was an act passed by the U.K.'s government in 1928 to find the date Easter is celebrated. The Act passed and even received Royal ascent, but it was never implemented. If it had come into effect, Easter Sunday would have fallen between the 9th and 15th of April.
Downloadable and Printable List of Christmas Trivia Questions
Here is a downloadable list of Christmas trivia questions (right-click the image and select Save Image As:):

via: Mantelligence
7 Christmas Fun Facts To Share During Christmas Eve

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Impress your family and friends by sharing the best fun facts about the special day. You don't have to ask questions or play Christmas trivia; you can simply share fun tidbits.
1. The tradition of hanging stockings comes from a legend about marriage.
Hang your stocking, and they'll be filled with small toys and gadgets, lollies, money, and other small gifts when Santa Claus arrives.
2. Santa's sleigh has to travel 5,083000 mph to deliver presents to all the children in the world.
Thanks to time zone differences, Santa gets 31 hours to deliver all his presents. If his sleigh were real, it would be undeniably the fastest vehicle in the world.
3. Jingle Bells became the first-ever Christmas song broadcasted from space in 1965.
When a Boston music publishing house first printed the holiday song in 1857, it was released under a different title. "One Horse Open Sleigh" was re-released two years later with its more familiar title, "Jingle Bells".
4. Menudo is a staple soup traditionally served at Mexican Christmas dinners.
The soup is made with cow's stomach, or tripe, in a broth with a red chili pepper base. It's traditionally prepared by the entire family and is also believed to be a hangover cure!
5. Known as Christmas caroling today, the Winter solstice celebration actually started in Europe thousands of years ago when people sang pagan songs to celebrate.
The word "carol" means "dance" or a song of praise and joy! The pagans would celebrate as they danced round stone circles, singing their songs.
6. In central European popular legend, Krampus is a half-goat, a half-demon monster that punishes misbehaving children at Christmas time.
Although there are many variations to his appearance, Krampus is commonly described as a hideous and terrifying figure.
7. Leaving milk and cookies for Santa on Christmas eve became popular in the united states in the 1930s during the Great Depression.
It was said to be a teachable moment! Despite the severity of financial issues during this time, parents didn't want their children to stop being charitable and thankful for what they had. They were encouraged to leave out milk and cookies to show their gratitude for the presents they would receive from Santa.
Frequently Asked Questions

via: Pexels / Nicole Michalou
If you've got more questions about quizzes, then maybe these frequently asked questions can clear up some things.
Why is a Christmas quiz good for a family gathering?
Quizzes are fun. They're great at family gatherings because they're exciting. When they're tailor-made or questions are chosen for the players in mind, quizzes can increase self-esteem and confidence. From kids to grandparents, everybody can get involved. Quizzes are an entertaining way to hang out.
What time should we start our Christmas quiz?
The best thing about a Christmas party game is you can play at any time. You can throw some quiz questions over at your family and friends while having Christmas dinner to keep the conversations alive and interesting, or over a mince pie or Christmas pudding in the afternoon. However your Christmas celebrations are planned out, Christmas trivia is fine to do at any time.
How to make the Yuletide party more fun with quizzes?
Spice up your party by introducing new and old games! And quizzes are perfect because they're suitable for everyone and can be tailor-made for its players. If you want to spice the game up a little to make it extra fun, here are some fantastic ideas:
- Bring on the prizes! This holiday is a favorite because of all the presents. For every answer a player gets correct, why not reward them with a small gift.
- Include a tie-breaker round. If you're keeping score, sometimes a tie-break round is necessary! You can choose to save some really hard questions for this, or you can incorporate another popular game, like charades, to determine a winner.
- Consider the order of your questions. Your family and friends should be having a good time. It's the holidays, after all. Create a great game by mixing up the difficulty levels of your questions. They should be ordered in a way that not too many difficult questions are put together. Scatter them. Your players should also get to feel victory.
What prizes should I prepare to make people participate in a family Christmas quiz?
Everyone loves a delicious candy cane. Or, if you've had enough of Christmas food, perhaps the winner can choose the Christmas movie. Depending on when you're playing, maybe the person that scores the most points can open a Christmas present early.
Are Christmas quizzes good for virtual parties?
Yes! Yes, they are! Any sort of trivia and question games are suitable for virtual get-togethers. They're easy to host, and anyone can participate.
How can I make everyone answer Christmas quizzes without making them bored?
If people are in a festive spirit, having everyone answer holiday-themed questions won't be an issue. Choose a mix of questions that the participants will know the answer to and some hard ones to challenge them.
What is a great Christmas story to share?
A popular favorite is Charles Dickens' 1843 novella A Christmas Carol. The three spirits visit its protagonist, Ebenezer Scrooge, a cold-hearted miserly person who despises Christmas to show him the error of his ways. The tale is of his redemption. There have been many movies adaptions made too.
More Awesome Ice Breaker Games And Questions To Ask
Love trivia games? Try out these other ice breaker games and questions to ask:
- Christmas isn't the only time of the year to play trivia. Test your skills with these Thanksgiving trivia questions and have a great time learning about this cultural packed holiday.
- Question games don't need to have a theme. If you're just looking for a great way to break the ice, this list of fun ice breaker questions is sure to do the trick.
- Halloween trivia is another way to add entertainment to your holiday gatherings.
- Most likely to questions are the best way to identify people's personalities, they're also a great way for people to compliment themselves (depending on the question, that is!).
- Never have I ever questions can be an awkward game, but you've got to admit that it's one of the funniest question games.
In Conclusion
We hope you find these Christmas trivia questions and answers as the perfect game to play during the holiday seasons.
Trivia questions are always a great way to break the ice and get the conversations rolling. So, use this list of questions to ask to start your Christmas festivities.
You'll be surprised at how quickly these ice breaker questions get people in the spirit of Christmas. Merry Christmas trivia!