via: Pexels / Daria Shevtsova
History trivia questions can be the best type of question to include in a quiz because everyone has a chance of knowing the answers to this type of question. If you're stuck for questions to ask when planning a trivia night, you'll find that there are lots of different options when you choose history trivia questions.
Unlike ice breaker questions, trivia questions give friends or acquaintances the chance to compete against each other to earn points or a reward by showing off how much they know. If you're planning a quiz, including history-based trivia questions can help you find out who really knows about world history. For some awesome inspiration, check out the questions below.
5 Best history trivia questions and answers

via: Pexels / fauxels
Skip the rest and go straight to the best - these history trivia questions are almost guaranteed to make the contestants being challenged in your quiz stop and think. They're great for both and adults and kids, who can test their knowledge.
1. Which pioneer of hair products became America’s first black female millionaire?
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Sarah Breedlove
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She was the first black female millionaire and the first female self-made millionaire too.
2. Which great wonder of the Ancient World still stands today?
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Giza Pyramid
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The Great Pyramid of Giza is the biggest and oldest of these Egyptian pyramids.
3. What French sculptor created the Statue of Liberty?
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Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
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Work was started to build the statue in 1875.
4. Victorians said this word before having their picture taken instead of the word "cheese"?
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No wonder Victorians didn't smile very much in photographs.
5. What is the best-selling novel of all time?
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Don Quixote
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Don Quixote has been adapted into plays, musicals, and operas in recent times.
7 Random history trivia questions

via: Pexels / mentatdgt
While many history trivia questions fall into specific categories, many do not. These fun questions can be great to catch people out or to find out how much they really know about world history. Choose your favorites from the random trivia questions and answers below to see how much history knowledge your quiz contenders have.
6. What is the name of the first pizzeria to open in the US?
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Lombardi's Pizza
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Lombardi's Pizza opened in New York in 1905, over one hundred years ago.
7. Who was the famous actor that became the Governor of California in 2003?
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Arnold Schwarzenegger
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Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in blockbuster films like Terminator before becoming Governor.
8. Rubber was discovered by?
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Charles Mackintosh
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The Mackintosh coat is named after this Scottish chemist.
9. How many words does Pablo Picasso’s real name have?
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He was named after saints and relatives - no wonder he shortened his name.
10. Which city is credited as the origin or birthplace of pop art?
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American Andy Warhol is the most famous artist of this fun art movement.
11. What was the name of Alexander the Great’s horse?
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Bucephalus is one of the most famous horses in history and definitely a well-known name in the world of Ancient Greece.
12. Where was the first Disney park built?
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Anaheim, California
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Although many people will answer Florida to this question, the first park was actually built in California in 1955.
7 History trivia questions for adults

via: Pexels / Nicholas Swatz
Trivia questions for adults can often be specifically difficult. This is because kids' history questions usually focus on easy topics that most people learn at school. However, history trivia, made specifically for adults is designed to be more difficult and even tricky enough to throw up red herrings or catch people out.
13. Who invented the vaccine for Polio?
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Jonas Salk
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The vaccine was announced in 1953.
14. What year did the Chernobyl disaster occur?
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The nuclear reactors can be visited as a tourist attraction now but the site will be uninhabitable for about 20,000 years.
15. Who was the only one of Henry VIII’s wives to receive a Queen’s funeral?
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Jane Seymour
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She was the only wife who gave Henry the son that he wanted.
16. What was the first cash crop in America?
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Many people might not know this but tobacco was first grown in the USA in the 1600s.
17. A blunderbuss is an obsolete type of what?
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You might see this type of firearm if you watch old movies.
18. Who was the first U.S. president to be impeached?
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Andrew Johnson in 1868
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Andrew Johnson was impeached for crimes which were detailed in eleven different documents.
19. Jack the Ripper is the name given to an unidentified serial killer that terrorized what city in 1888?
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London, England
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Jack the Ripper was never caught and his real name was never found out.
6 Easy history trivia questions

via: Pexels / fauxels
If you want to make your quiz easy enough that even people who don't know much history will be able to answer a couple of questions, this is the section for you. These easy trivia questions are good for all ages, particularly kids who don't have a lot of historical knowledge.
20. How many US Presidents have there been?
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45, including Pres. Donald Trump
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US residents should find this easy but people from other countries might struggle to know how many presidents there have been.
21. What ship sank in 1912 and has a famous movie?
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The Titanic set sail for America from Ireland. The famous movie starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio won a number of awards when it was released.
22. What is considered the world’s oldest writing system?
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Cuneiform was written using a blunt reed which made wedge shapes in a clay tablet.
23. Who painted the 15th-century mural known as the "Last Supper"?
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Leonardo Da Vinci
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Leonardo Da Vinci is known for his large paintings, often depicting scenes from the Bible.
24. Who was the first man to set foot on the moon?
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Neil Armstrong
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Most people will know that this astronaut was the first man on the moon.
25. Who was the first African American to be elected President of the United States?
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Barrack Obama
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Obama served for eight years starting in 2009.
4 Hard history trivia questions

via: Pexels / ELEVATE
There are times when you're in charge of organizing trivia night for a group of people who love to be challenged. When it comes to trivia, there are some people who love answering hard trivia questions and want the difficulty level to be super high. For those times, these hard history trivias are just what you need.
26. What was the name of the first computer?
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You might have lots of ideas in your head but ENIAC was first introduced in the 1940s, well before IBM and Apple were launched.
27. How long did the Hundred Years' War last?
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116 years
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Ironically, the hundred years war lasted slightly longer than you might think.
28. The world's first postage stamp was introduced in what year?
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The first postage stamp was introduced in England and cost one penny. Before this, mail was often paid for after it has been delivered.
29. Which dictator composed six operas?
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Kim Jong-il
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You might be surprised to hear this, but it is thought that Kim Jong-il enjoyed composing operas and putting on elaborate musicals to amuse himself.
6 Fun history trivia questions

via: Pexels / August de Richelieu
Fun trivia questions are usually based on pop culture and general knowledge, making them enjoyable to answer and a little easier to guess than some other categories. Throwing in a few fun questions can make history quizzes a bit more exciting and engaging.
30. In 1981, MTV showed its first music video. What was it?
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“Video Killed the Radio Star” by The Buggles
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You might be surprised to hear that this is the first music video that MTV played but MTV has been around for decades.
31. When was the television invented?
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Television was invented in the late 1920's but it didn't become common to see television sets in people's homes until decades after this.
32. When the first Burger King Restaurant opened in 1954, how much did a hamburger cost?
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18 cents
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This is a difficult question because it would be very hard to guess that the first burger cost just 18 cents.
33. Which dung beetle was worshiped by the ancient Egyptians?
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The scarab
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The scarab beetle has a very distinctive shape and is easily recognized by people who enjoy Ancient Egyptian mythology.
34. Which is the name of the first bridge that was built in London across the River Thames?
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London Bridge
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The bridge that most people remember is Tower Bridge, but London Bridge was the very first bridge to cross the Thames.
35. What does the Zip stand for, in the American Zip code?
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Zip codes were introduced in the 1960's in order to make it easier for mail to be delivered.
6 Funny history trivia questions

via: Pexels / ELEVATE
While fun questions are engaging, funny questions are amusing. Lots of funny and ironic things have happened in history, meaning there are loads of funny trivia questions that you can ask as part of your quiz. Depending on the sense of humor of your contestants, you can choose a few of the fun questions below to add to the quiz.
36. When was Russia’s “Red October” revolution?
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It will come as a surprise that the Red October revolution was actually in November, when it is remembered.
37. What war was triggered by the shooting of a pig?
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Pig War
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This answer is rather easy to guess so it's a simple question to include. The Pig War was fought in 1859 in the San Juan Islands.
38. Which politician likes dairy products so much that he made a giant ice cream shop?
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Fidel Castro
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Castro had a big obsession with dairy products.
39. Which famous Greek philosopher had a phobia of beans?
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It is said that Pythagoras believed beans to be related to humans and so he refused to eat these as he was a vegetarian.
40. Who was the Roman Emperor who planned to make one of his favorite horses as a senator?
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Caligula was the third Roman emperor, ruling until the year 41. Can you imagine if someone wanted to make one of their pets a senator today?
41. What was the largest living organism in the world?
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A giant mushroom in Oregon's Malhuer National Forest
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Although most people will answer that the Blue Whale is the largest living animal, they won't easily guess that a giant mushroom is the biggest living organism.
5 History trivia questions for kids

via: Pexels / Pixabay
It goes without saying that it's best to ask different questions when planning a quiz for adults versus kids. When it comes to trivia for kids it's best to stick to easy general questions that kids are likely to know. Below you'll find some awesome questions that will challenge kids just the right amount.
42. What famous children’s party game that doesn’t involve balls was an Olympic event from 1900-1920?
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Tug of War
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It's very surprising that the game Tug of War was included in the Olympics. It's hard to imagine this game being included in the Olympics today.
43. What is the capital of America?
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Washington D.C.
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Most kids will be able to answer this question as the capital cities are one of the first things kids learn when they begin to do geography.
44. In which country are the ancient pyramids located?
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The amazing pyramids are located in the African country of Egypt, but no one really knows how they were built.
45. What is the first letter on a typewriter?
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The typewriter has the same keyboard as a computer so it's relatively easy to guess which letter is the first one.
46. Where did the Olympic games originate?
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The Olympics began thousands of years ago, but the games that we know today have been around for a couple of hundred years.
7 Thanksgiving history trivia questions

via: Pexels / Nicholas Swatz
Do you usually plan a quiz for Thanksgiving? The holiday season is the perfect time of year for getting together with friends or family and having a fun trivia night. The Thanksgiving trivia questions below are perfect for adding into a seasonal game.
47. Who was the captain of the ship the "Mayflower"?
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Christopher Jones
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The Mayflower was the ship that transported the pilgrims ahead of the first-ever Thanksgiving.
48. Under which president did Thanksgiving become an annual holiday?
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Abraham Lincoln
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Before Lincoln, Thanksgiving wasn't a properly observed annual holiday in the USA.
49. How many Pilgrims were present at the First Thanksgiving?
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This is a relatively commonly known fact and one that is perfect for a Thanksgiving quiz.
50. Who wanted the turkey to be the US national bird?
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Benjamin Franklin
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This president wanted to give up the eagle as the symbol of the US and use the turkey instead.
51. How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?
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3 days
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Can you imagine Thanksgiving celebrations today that take three days to complete?
52. In what year did the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade take place?
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The first parade took place in 1924 but balloons weren't introduced into the parade until 1927.
53. Three thousand years back, the Native Americans domesticated turkeys for what?
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Turkeys were actually reared for their feathers rather than their meat.
5 Christmas history trivia questions

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Christmas trivia questions are best for seasonal quizzes, but they can be used all year round to add an extra category or dimension to history quizzes. Throwing in some Christmas-based questions will add some intrigue to your quiz.
54. The term "Xmas" was first used in which century?
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16th century
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You'd be forgiven for thinking that this term was first used in the 21st century.
55. What Christmas-themed ballet premiered in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 1892?
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The Nutcracker
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The Nutcracker has become one of the most popular shows to watch at Christmas time.
56. Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
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Although many Christmas trees are grown in Nordic and Scandinavian countries, it was in Germany where they were first used as a decoration.
57. What was the first company that used Santa Claus in advertising?
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It's likely that many competitors will be able to guess this as Coca-Cola is responsible for Santa's red coloured suit.
58. What well-known Christmas carol became the first song ever broadcast from space in 1965?
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Jingle Bells
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The song was broadcast by Gemini 6 astronauts as a Christmas prank.
4 Bible history trivia questions

via: Pexels / Şahin Sezer Dinçer
Bible questions can be easy to answer for those who have read the scriptures, but difficult for many people who haven't studied this holy book. There can be many times when it is appropriate to use Bible trivia questions in a quiz, for example when quizzing kids who are studying religious education or adults at Christmas time. The bible questions below will offer food for thought in your next quiz.
59. In a deserted place of what city did the feeding of the 5,000 take place?
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The feeding of the five thousand with loaves and fishes is one of the most well-known bible stories.
60. What type of insect did John the Baptist eat in the desert?
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Locusts are a type of insect which is similar to crickets and they are known for destroying crops.
61. In the days of Noah, how long did it rain upon the Earth?
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40 days and 40 nights
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It rained for a very long time after Noah had loaded the animals into the ark.
62. On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
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Mount Sinai
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It is thought that Mount Sinai is in Egypt.
5 History of Halloween trivia questions

via: Pexels / Luis Quintero
Halloween is a popular holiday for kids but it's also a fun time of year for adults too. Not everyone who takes part in Halloween celebrations knows about the history of this spooky holiday, so Halloween trivia questions can often catch them off guard.
63. What was the original purpose behind donning costumes and masks by the Ancient Celts?
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To protect themselves from evil spirits
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It is thought that people also lit bonfires to help ward off the spirits.
64. Mexicans celebrate Día de Muertos instead of Halloween. The festivities are symbolized by what?
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Painted sugar skulls are very popular symbols during this festival.
65. What was Jack O’Lanterns carved from before pumpkins were used?
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Turnips are usually much smaller than pumpkins so this would have been difficult to do.
66. In which country did Halloween originate?
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This is an interesting fact and one that might shock you, but Halloween started in Ireland.
67. In what American state is it illegal to dress up like a priest or a nun?
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This means that these costumes aren't allowed during Halloween.
3 80s history trivia questions and answers

via: Unsplash / Christian Fregnan
A lot of interesting things happened in the 80s, and you can answer these 80s trivia questions and answers to test your knowledge of this decade.
68. What was the name of the U.S. space shuttle that broke apart during take off on January 28, 1986 killing all those on board?
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While there have been many successful missions to space, incidents such as the Challenger disaster remind us of the dangers of these missions.
69. Who was shot dead by Mark Chapman on 8 December 1980?
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John Lennon
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At the time of his death, John Lennon had already departed from The Beatles, but he left behind many unreleased solo tracks.
70. In September 1986, a Japanese company released a video game console that played games such as "Duck Hunt" and "Super Mario Bros." and within two years it was selling up to seven million systems a year. Which console was it?
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Nintendo Entertainment System
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Otherwise known as the NES, the Nintendo Entertainment System gave rise to many of the most popular video games today.

via: Unsplash / Robby McCullough
3 animals in history trivia questions

via: Unsplash / fan yang
While history is written by humans, animals have contributed to history in their own unique way. Test your knowledge with these animal trivia questions.
71. Name the oldest giant panda, which did in 2016 at the age of 38?
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Jia Jia
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Jia Jia lived much longer than an average panda. In the wild, pandas typically live for about 15-20 years.
72. Which was the first animal to orbit Earth and paved the way for human spaceflight?
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Laika the mutt
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While the space race is usually portrayed as a victory for the United States, Russia successfully put the first dog and the first man in space.
73. Who created The Endangered Species Act?
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Richard M. Nixon
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Today, there are over 40,000 endangered species. These days, we are making progress in ensuring the survival of these species.
5 bar history trivia questions

via: Pexels / ELEVATE
The history of bar culture is quite interesting. Learning more about it is easy with these bar trivia questions.
74. What was the original name of Pabst Blue Ribbon before they won the Chicago World's Fair in 1893?
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Pabst Beer
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In general, a blue ribbon symbolizes something of high quality. This could extend to all kinds of products, and it has roots in knightly orders.
75. In 1964 by an act of Congress, what was named an official native liquor of the U.S.?
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American Bourbon is considered to be of high quality, and it is aged in barrels made from a very particular type of American tree.

via: Pexels / @ca__fotos
76. Which president held a liquor license and operated several taverns?
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Abraham Lincoln
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Abraham Lincoln was eventually assassinated by an actor while watching a play. He left behind an incredible legacy and is considered one of the best ever US presidents.
77. What originally published The Guinness Book of Records as a reference for settling pub arguments?
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Guinness Breweries
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Guinness is an extremely well-known brewery in Ireland, and they have a museum located in Dublin that teaches visitors all about the beer and its history.
78. Who took over and managed pubs in three parts of the UK for 50+ years to try and control binge drinking?
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UK government
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While binge drinking is an issue that many nations have to deal with, the United Kingdom is famous for its citizens who are heavy drinkers.
5 music history trivia questions and answers

via: Unsplash / frankie cordoba
Do you think you know everything about music history? Test your knowledge with these music trivia questions and answers..
79. What American singer-songwriter wrote and first recorded the song "Blue Suede Shoes" in 1955?
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Carl Perkins
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Although Blue Suede Shoes might evoke images of Elvis Presley, he was not the first musician to record this song.
80. What famous US festival hosted over 350,000 fans in 1969?
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Woodstock might have been massive musical festival, but it was also a symbol of the growing hippy movements that valued world peace.

via: Unsplash / Tony Pham
81. What was the highest-selling album of the 1980's?
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Thriller - Michael Jackson
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Not only was Thriller the best-selling album of the 1980s, but most observers agree that it was also the best-selling album of all time.
82. Brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb formed which successful pop group in the late 1950's?
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The Bee Gees
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One of the most famous tracks from The Bee Gees was "Staying Alive," and it became a disco anthem around the world.
83. Jim Morrison was the lead singer of which prominent 1960's rock band?
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The Doors
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Jim Morrison was a powerful figure in the music industry, and Val Kilmer would later portray him in the film The Doors.
7 movie history trivia questions

via: Unsplash / Jake Hills
The history of cinema is a thoroughly interesting subject and one that deserves its own set of movie trivia questions. Try them out if you think you're a movie expert...
84. What year did Sean Connery star in the James Bond movie Dr. No?
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The decision to cast Sean Connery as James Bond was not an easy one. Many felt that he did not fit the character that was described in the novels.
85. Which actress has the longest TV career spanning over 80 years?
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Betty White
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Betty White began her career as a young woman hosting various variety shows. Back then, she sang and danced as well!

via: Unsplash / Aleks Dorohovich
86. Who was the first solo female host of the Oscars?
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Whoopi Goldberg
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While Whoopi Goldberg certainly did an excellent job when she hosted the Oscars, Bob Hope is considered the best host ever.
87. In what year was the film Good Will Hunting released?
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Good Will Hunting was written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, and it truly launched both of their careers in Hollywood. It is still considered an excellent movie today.
88. What is the first sports film to win an Academy Award for Best Picture?
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Rocky was a real accomplishment for Sylvester Stallone, as he wrote the entire film himself after experiencing little success in the acting world.
89. What movie did Elvis Presley first appear in?
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Love Me Tender
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Many Elvis fans feel that Elvis' involvement in movies actually derailed his musical career, as he was focusing too much on films and not enough on his music.
90. "Life is Beautiful" has been named one of the top-five favorite films of which prominent figure?
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Pope John Paul II
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Pope John Paul II is known for a range of important accomplishments, including the improvement of relations with a number of other religions and the Catholic Church.

via: Unsplash / Nacho Arteaga
4 American history trivia

via: Unsplash / Stephanie McCabe
America is a country that has a lot of history as it has been involved in many civil and international wars. Lots of things have changed since the country was created and this means that there is a lot of American history trivia that can be used in quizzes to test the knowledge of the participants.
91. What decrypted secret message drove the U.S. to enter World War I?
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The Zimmerman telegram
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The telegram suggested that Germany could join forces with Mexico.
92. Which Civil War battle climaxed with Pickett's Charge?
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The battle of Gettysburg was fought in 1863.
93. Which president said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall"?
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Ronald Reagan
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He said this as part of the Berlin Wall Speech in 1987.
94. Who gave a speech in 1775 proclaiming, "Give me liberty or give me death"?
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Patrick Henry
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The speech was made in order to convince troops to prepare for a war against the United Kingdom.
5 90s history trivia

via: Unsplash / Silviu Beniamin Tofan
People who grew up in the 80s or 90s are bound to love questions about this decade. Adults enjoy 90s trivia because it reminds them of a time when they were younger and helps them recall the things they experienced during that decade.
95. Who was the imprisoned individual that became the president in the 90s?
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Nelson Mandela
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He became the president of South Africa in 1994.
96. Which animal was subject to cloning in the '90s?
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A sheep
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Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to be cloned.
97. Which president was elected twice during the 90s.
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Bill Clinton
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He was in office between January 1993 and January 2001 when he was succeeded by George W. Bush.
98. Which dance craze had an accompanying song in the '90s?
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The Macarena
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The Macarena was sung by Los Del Rio and is still popular at parties and weddings.
99. Which console was released in 1991?
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The games console Super Nintendo Entertainment System was launched in 1991.
6 sports history trivia

via: Unsplash / Markus Spiske
Sports fans really enjoy showing off how much they know about sports trivia, but how much do they really know about sports history? It can be one thing to know scores and team information from the last few years, but what about the history of the sports they love? These questions are sure to test their knowledge thoroughly.
100. What country won the first World Cup?
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101. Who is the most decorated Olympian of all time?
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Michael Phelps
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This Olympic swimmer has 28 medals in total.
102. What manager led the Boston Red Sox to their first championship in 86 years?
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Terry Francona
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The Red Sox entered the championship in 2004.
103. What was the first sport televised in the U.S.?
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The first Major League baseball game was broadcast in 1939 on W2XBS.
104. What sport did astronaut Alan Shepard play on the Moon in 1971?
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He hit two golf balls on the moon's surface by attaching a golf club head to a soil sampler.
105. What sport was officially banned in Scotland three times between 1457 and 1502?
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Golf was banned so that archery could be practiced instead.
6 Math history trivia

via: Unsplash / Science in HD
Do you know anyone who is obsessed with math trivia? If so, these math history trivia questions are just what you need if you want to find out whether their knowledge extends to math history. Some of these answers are well-known, while some of the questions are a little obscure.
106. What is the symbol used by Romans to represent 1000?
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The Roman symbol for 1000 can also be written as CIƆ.
107. Who is the patron saint of mathematicians?
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Saint Hubert
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He is also the patron saint of hunters, metalworkers and opticians.
108. What was the nationality of Descartes?
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He was from France but lived in the Netherlands for around 20 years.
109. What do we call the numbers we use today?
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Arabic numbers
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Arabic numerals run from 0 to 9.
110. Which famous mathematician was born in Sicily around 287 BC?
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He was also an inventor, astronomer, physicist, and engineer. He died in 212 BC.
111. Who developed calculus into a tool to push forward the study of nature?
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This started the Newton-Leibniz calculus controversy as they both claimed that they had invented calculus.
How To Pick The Best history trivia questions

via: Pexels / Kaushal Moradiya
We all know that it can be difficult and time-consuming to pick questions for a great quiz, but it doesn't need to be. Just follow the quick tips below and you'll be able to pick some awesome questions in practically no time.
1. Does the quiz have a theme?

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
Themed quizzes are sometimes easier to compile because you know exactly the kind of questions you need to find. For example, you might be creating a quiz based on famous kings and queens from around the world, or your quiz might be based on Christmas. However, if there is no theme you can choose whichever questions you fancy.
2. How old are the contestants?

via: Pexels / fauxels
When creating a quiz for kids, it is customary to choose easy general questions that young people have a chance of answering. If the contestants are teenagers, they will probably be able to answer more difficult or specialized questions. When creating a quiz or trivia game for adults, you can pick questions of any difficulty level.
3. Is the quiz funny or serious?

via: Pexels / fauxels
Some history trivia questions have funny, naughty or ironic answers. Depending on the theme of the quiz and the sense of humor of the people playing, it might be fun to include some of these questions to amuse the contenders. If the quiz is very serious, it's often best to stick to only serious questions and answers.
Downloadable and Printable List of History Trivia Questions
Here is the list of history trivia questions (right click the image and select Save Image As...):

via: Mantelligence
More Awesome Ice Breaker Games And Fun Questions
If you're hoping for even more help with questions that you can ask friends, family members, and loved ones, you'll find lots of inspiration below:
- If you're getting to know friends, some fantastic truth or dare questions can help you bond with each other.
- Need a game to play with a group that doesn't know each other? These awesome fun ice breaker games are just the thing.
- There's nothing like a "would you rather" question to find out what someone is really like. Ask these great would you rather questions and you'll never be stuck for something to talk about.
- These super funny most likely to questions are perfect for times when you're hanging out with a group of friends.
- Find out the benefits of answering trivia questions.
In Conclusion
History trivia questions are great questions to ask as part of a quiz or trivia night. These trivia questions can be enjoyed by everyone. In contrast to ice breaker questions, quiz questions allow people to show off their knowledge and win points or awesome prizes.