via: Unsplash / Joshua Hoehne
Want to impress them with not just your flair for playing video games but with Fortnite fun facts as well? Look no further because you're in the right place already
With articles published on sites such as Gamertelligence and The Unbox, I've got you covered when it comes to video game facts and trivia questions.
So, keep reading if you've always wanted to know more about this video game that people of all ages love.
Fortnite Trivia Playable Quiz
Do you love Fortnite and know everything about it? This quiz will show you how much you really know:
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6 Best Fortnite Trivia To Play With Your Friends and Colleagues

via: Pexels / William Fortunato
The best Fortnite trivia questions are those that will excite fans and will pique the interest of those who are not so familiar with this game. You'll never go wrong with this list.
1. What company made "Fortnite"?
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Epic Games
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Epic Games is an American company based in North Carolina. Tim Sweeney founded the company in 1991 and, ever since, has changed the course of how the world views online video games.
2. In what year was a mobile version of Fortnite first released?
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Both iOS and Android users rejoiced upon the release of the game's mobile version in 2018. Prior to this, Fortnite was only available on Windows, Mac, Xbox One, and Playstation.

via: Pexels / Mary Taylor
3. What is TNTina's special power?
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Toon Blast!
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After using this skin and built-in emote, TNTina transforms into a toon version of herself. This cool skin can be achieved when you reach the 40th Tier and purchase the new Battle Royale Pass for only 950 V-Bucks.
4. What is different about the island in Season 3?
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There's water everywhere.
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There's no surprise that Aquaman is the major character in this season. This Season 3 map also had a hidden island underwater.

via: Unsplash / Yoann Boyer
5. What is the name of the player that won $3 million at the Fortnite World Cup?
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He is a 16-year-old named Kyle Giersdorf. He became 3 million dollars richer just at 16 because of Fortnite and is considered the largest amount ever won in any e-sport event in history by an individual.
6. There is a sneaker inspired by Fortnite. True or False?
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The sneaker inspired by Fortnite is Nike's Jordan basketball sneakers brand which gives the buyer a unique and rewarding experience, including new skins and an exclusive challenge package. Now, this is a good cross between the virtual and physical world!

via: Unsplash / Lefteris kallergis
5 Fun Fortnite Game Questions to Quiz Your Friends

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Fortnite is fun, don't deny it! That's why it's just right that there are also fun trivia questions to accompany such an enjoyable game.
7. How many default skins are there when you start the game?
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The 8 default skins in Fortnite are 4 men and 4 women. They are Spitfire, Renegade, Hawk, Jonesy, Ramirez, Banshee, Wildcat, and Headhunter. The default skin remained for the first 10 seasons of the game.
8. Who invented “The Floss” dance?
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The backpack kid
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Russell Horning, also known as the backpack kid, is the one behind The Floss dance. The dance craze took the online video game community and the world by storm around 2018.

via: Unsplash / Quan Nguyen
9. What is the currency in "Fortnite" called?
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The V stands for Vindertech, a company that has a lot to do with the technology happening in the world. It's used in Battle Royale and Creative mode to purchase items from outfits to Battle Passes.
10. What's the name of the island in the middle of the Fortnite map?
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Eye Land
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The Eye Land was added in Chapter 2: Season 1. On this small island is a large house with wooden docks, motorboats, and fishing rods. The name was replaced in 2019 with the Isle Of The Storm but was later brought back to its original.

via: Unsplash / Hoodh Ahmed
11. What is the rarest skin in Fortnite?
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Recon Specialist
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It's an incredibly rare skin released in October 2017. It's a basic skin that was added when the Battle Royale version of Fortnite was new, so only a few people purchased it.
6 Easy Truths About Fortnite You Could Use as an Ice Breaker

via: Pexels / Allan Mas
Everyone can agree that easy trivia questions are so much fun to answer because... they're easy! You don't have to be an expert Fortnite player to know these.
12. What is the first weapon you are given in battle royale?
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You can't go into Battle Royale without any weapon. Fortnite gives all players a pickaxe as a starting weapon. It can be used to mine, gather resources, and break stuff inside the game.

via: Pixabay / vek0
13. Which color coordinates with uncommon loot rarity?
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In Fortnite, the rarity types are recognized by color. An uncommon item, found very early on in the game, is green, a rare item is blue, and a legendary item is purple.
14. How many modes does the game have?
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The two game modes of Fortnite are called Save The World and Battle Royale. Save The World is a survival game where up to 4 players can fight off zombie-like creatures and build forts for defense. The latter being the most successful is a free-for-all battle where a hundred players fight off each other until one remains.

via: Pixabay / 11333328
15. How many players participate in Fortnite Battle Royale?
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The BattThe Battle Royale can be played by up to 100 players that start weaponless, skydiving into a region of land. Then it is up to the players to scavenge for weapons they will use to fight off others in order to survive. The goal is to be the last player alive.
16. Which game is often described as a more grown-up version of Fortnite?
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With the graphics and overall vibe given off by PUBG, it is considered a more grown-up version of Fortnite's Battle Royale game mode. It has the same concept but with a more mature vibe, more bloody graphics, violence, and death.

via: Unsplash / SCREEN POST
17. On which Tier would you be able to unlock Brutus?
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The Brutus Skin is an Epic Fortnite outfit from the Brute Force set. Brutus can be unlocked at Tier 20. Try completing 18 Brutus' Briefing Challenges to retrieve two other skin styles.
5 Challenging Question and Answers About Fortnite That Will Put Your Knowledge to The Test

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Trivia night is no fun without the hard trivia questions! Learn some trivia about Fortnite that only those that are really into it knows.
18. What real-time event took place in Season 4?
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Rocket Launch
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The Rocket Launch happened on June 30, 2018. Everyone in the game during the time of the Rocket Launch was able to witness it. This event caused a massive environmental change after the launch, creating a huge crack in the sky above Loot Lake.

via: Pexels / Pixabay
19. When was the game initially released?
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While Fortnite was announced in 2011, Fortnite: Save The World was actually released in July 2017 as early access and was made available on consoles such as Windows, Mac, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Mobile consoles followed suit the year after.
20. What is the title of the Japanese film that inspired Fortnite?
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Battle Royale
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The film, directed by Kinji Fukasaku, is a 2000 action-thriller film that follows a group of students that are forced to fight to their death. Fun fact, the film is based on a popular novel published by Koushun Takami in 1999.

via: Pexels / Donald Tong
21. On what date did a black hole appear?
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The appearance of the blackhole shocked players who stayed for about 37 hours on the game. The black hole results from a cosmic event that destroyed the online game's island battlegrounds.
22. How old is the person involved in a lawsuit by Epic Games due to cheating?
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14 yeard old
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Fortnite developers filed a lawsuit against a 14-year-old YouTuber because he was creating and selling cheats for the popular video game. The company accused the YouTuber of ruining the experience for other gamers.

via: Pexels / Sora Shimazaki
Famous Fornite Characters You Could Cosplay

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Are you a hard-core Fortnite fan? Bring your favorite online characters to life by cosplaying them. Get your creative juices flowing as you brainstorm ways on how you can give justice to the persona of your choice.
Rust Lord

via: Depositphotos / Gambero
Looking closely at Rust Lord, you will see that it resembles Star Lord from Guardians Of The Galaxy. Well, mainly because this is a homage to Marvel's beloved character. Modify a helmet and search for some pale tan pants and crimson red or deep orange jacket to achieve his look. Add the Unreal Engine logo pin to your shirt, and you're good to go.

via: Unsplash / WTFast
Fishstick's classic look is easily recognizable, so putting on a suit and making a mask will do. You can go for four different styles: the original, the pirate, the VR, and the World Cup 2019 series. Make sure to give the right details in your costume so you won't be mistaken for an ordinary goldfish.

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Drift's iconic outfit bears a resemblance to a kitsune, a legendary fox born in Japanese legends. Drift has 5 different styles, from a simple one to a more complex guise, but the character is well-known for his mask, which you can purchase or make from paper mache.
Tomato Head

via: Pexels / El gringo photo
Your green sweatsuit and boots may come in handy when making Tomato Head's costume. Grab a pair of shin guards and add details to a red paper lantern for the head, and you're good to go. Plus, don't forget that the pizza on his shirt has pineapples on it.

via: Pexels / Evan Velez Saxer
The Raptor, which came out in 2018, is an infamous skin with many incredible styles. Known for his yellow and brown outfit combination, you can easily dress up as your favorite character as his look can be easily achieved with common items. You need a yellow ski mask, gloves, a brown leather jacket, tactical boots, leg strap, pants, belt, and knee pads.

via: Pexels / Sebastiaan Stam
Raven is the infamous skin for Nevermore, a Fortnite hero and character. Although his looks can be best achieved through store-bought costumes, you can always make one at home with a dark hood, some purple feathers, and some creativity in adding details to his look.
Downloadable and Printable List of Facts About Fortnite
Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of facts about Fortnite (right-click the image and select Save Image As...):

via: Mantelligence
Frequently Asked Questions

via: Unsplash / Erik Mclean
With the rise in popularity of online games, there is also the leap in queries surrounding the world of video games. Let these answered questions end some of your most lingering inquiries.
Is it still considered 'nerdy' to play video games?
Although it's considered a stereotype, playing video games is not regarded as nerdy. Those who play video games are not all anti-social hermits. In fact, this activity is viewed as a social affair which is the opposite of the definition of a nerd.
Where can I play Fortnite?
Platforms and devices compatible with Fortnite include consoles such as PS4 series, Xbox One series, Nintendo Switch, Android devices with 8.0 OS or higher and with 4GB minimum RAM, and PCs and MACs.
How can I encourage my friends to play online games?
Playing most online video games gives players an upper hand on some learning skills and enhances memory, one you can tell your friend about if you want to encourage them to play these games. Aside from reasoning with them, let them try playing the game so that they have a first-hand feel of how it is.
What is the best platform to use in playing Fortnite?
While many devices let you play Fortnite, a PC is the best platform for the game. Fortnite started originally as an exclusive PC video game and is still the most preferred platform for serious online games since the functions can be easily and accurately done using a PC.
How to Pick The Best Questions to Ask on Your Next Quiz Night

via: Pexels / Armin Rimoldi
Choosing the best Fortnite trivia questions isn't hard, even if you have a long list. There are so many benefits of trivia questions to us that we need to choose the best ones to help us. Luckily, we have this short list as a guide to help you select the Fortnite trivia questions that best suit you.
1. Consider Your Audience.

via: Unsplash / M ACCELERATOR
Fortnite players are of mixed ages and gender, meaning those who will be hearing your trivia questions are of diverse demographics. Make sure that you choose your questions depending on your audience. Choose kid-friendly questions for kids, and pick some more challenging ones for adults. You can also consider how much your audience knows about Fortnite.
2. Mix It Up.

via: Unsplash / JESHOOTS.COM
Make trivia night interesting by mixing up your questions and making sure there's a good balance in the level of difficulties. Seeing participants scramble for answers to Fortnite facts will be more fun and exciting.
3. Don't Stick To One Category.

via: Unsplash / Mel Poole
Like mixing up your questions based on difficulty, you also have to mix up their categories. Don't put all trivia about weapons and the game's history. Mix it up for maximum fun.
More Awesome Quiz Questions
Fortnite is awesome, and all, but so are other games! There are plenty of other games that we all enjoy playing. That's why we've got more game trivia for you to learn.
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In Conclusion
That's it for the best Fortnite trivia you'll ever need. If you're looking for the right trivia questions for the best games, then we hope you enjoyed and learned a lot from video game trivia about Fortnite. It's the only thing you need to get more knowledge about the popular game while having fun.