via: Pexels / cottonbro
You don't have to look through a forest of lists if you're on the lookout for some funny animal puns. We've got the best here.
There's an art to creating a great pun. They're not the highest form of comedy, but they get a reaction (usually an eye roll). With my expertise in pop culture, especially puns, from biology to math, you can expect one hilarious time here.
Let's start!
4 Best Animal Puns To Use In A Witty Conversation

via: Pexels / Gustavo Fring
Looking for the best of the best when it comes to animal puns? Look no further than the ones here, as they are guaranteed to get a laugh out of anyone who hears them! Check them out and see if they tickle your funny bone.
1. Whale, hello there!
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It's a proven fact that this is how whales say hello to each other. In reality, whales communicate through clicking, whistles, and pulses. Certain types of whales can communicate over large distances depending on the frequency of their clicking.
2. What's a cat's favorite book? The Great Catsby!
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A classic novel amongst the feline community. It was published in 1925 by a cat named F. Scatt Fitzgerald and is regarded as one of the best American novels.

via: Unsplash / Alice Feigel
3. You have cat to be kitten me right now.
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A double pun combo in the same sentence. No one will know what hit them. However, If you tell this one to your cat, they'll probably just stare at you or leave to run around your house for the third time today.
4. I could really gopher a cup of coffee.
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Hey, if you were stuck digging tunnels all day, you'd want a cup of coffee too. You can't go around destroying gardens and building tunnel systems without your daily dose of caffeine, can you?

via: Unsplash / Brigitte Tohm

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4 Clever Puns About Animals That Are Amoo-sing

via: Pexels / Gustavo fring
Do you think puns can't be witty or clever enough to be considered a serious form of comedy? Then prepare to be proven wrong! Check out these clever puns and see if you could've come up with them yourself!
5. Why can't dinosaurs clap? Because they're dead.
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This one is a pretty dark joke, but one that'll surely make anyone laugh. The sharp and unexpected dose of dark humor is what gets me. I wonder if dinosaurs could clap? Unlikely given their body structure, but one can dream, right?
6. Where do cows go on holiday? Moo Zealand
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Did you know that there are 6.4 million dairy cows in New Zealand? There is also an additional 3.6 million beef cattle used for food. I guess it is a popular vacation hotspot for cows.

via: Unsplash / Pieter van de Sande
7. What's the quietest kind of dog? A hush puppy!
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The hush puppy's real breed name is the Basset Hound. Their smelling capability and ability to track scents is one of the best in their species. However, the breed with the best sense of smell is the Bloodhound.
8. Why do pandas prefer old movies? Because they're black and white!
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Did you know that pandas have limited color vision? Their eyes are similar to nocturnal animals, so they have excellent night vision. They are also nearsighted, so they have trouble seeing things far away.

via: Unsplash / Xtina Yu
5 Short Puns To Say During A Zoo Date

Sometimes, short and sweet wins the race. Wait, that's the wrong analogy... Check out these fantastic short puns if you're looking for a quick zinger to make someone laugh. Sometimes you don't need a long and complex pun to get a laugh out of people! You just need the sealiest thing. Get it?
9. Where do polar bears vote? The North Poll!
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Voting is an important part of being a citizen of the North! Even the polar bears know that.
10. How do fish stay so healthy? Vitamin Sea!
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We can't stop with the fish puns. A fish's body is mostly rich in protein more than anything else. Certain foods like citrus fruits, potatoes, strawberries, and broccoli have high levels of vitamin C. But fish don't eat any of that, do they?

via: Unsplash / Steven Lasry
11. I'm not amoosed.
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Moose are usually prone to fleeing when they feel threatened, but they can get aggressive. A moose would not understand this pun and would not be very amused. I wonder if a moose would like this pun if they could understand it?
12. Where do rabbits eat breakfast? IHOP
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Rabbits actually shouldn't eat pancakes. Pancakes are high in carbohydrates and can make a rabbit sick, so IHOP probably isn't a good idea.

via: Unsplash / Aswathy N
13. Single and ready to flamingle.
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Did you know flamingoes mingle quite a bit? They mate for a year only, then find a new mate every year, so they are constantly looking for potential mates after a year. However, they are monogamous, so they only mate with that one partner for the year.
4 Amazing Love Puns Inspired By The No. 1 Hoomans Companion In Life

via: Pexels / Bekka Mongeau
Are you looking for a way to show someone how much you mean to them but using puns? Then look no further than these animal love puns to show your love in a pun-tacular fashion. Sometimes a good sense of humor is the best way to someone's heart.
14. Everybody needs some bunny to love.
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A bunny to love would be awesome. Oh, a person would also be awesome. Bunnies are very friendly and lovable animals, making them great pets.

via: Pexels / Anastasia Shuraeva
15. When I'm with you, I'm feline awesome!
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Being around felines always makes someone feel awesome, but your loved one is a close second! A cat lover would appreciate this one.
16. I whale love you all the days of my life.
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Did you know whales don't mate for life? So this fact makes this pun a bit ironic. It's sweet anyway, and anyone would love to hear it no matter how corny it is.

via: Unsplash / Mohamed Ahmed
17. I love your cattitude.
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This pun can have a double meaning considering cats have an attitude. Maybe the person you're talking to has the attitude of a cat. Or maybe you're just trying to be cute. Either way, it's the thought that counts!
5 Awesome Animal Puns During The Yuletide Season

via: Pexels / Barry Tan
With the holidays just around the corner, it's a great time to load up on some paw-some puns! Celebrate Christmas and make friends jolly with these Christmas puns that will make the holidays much more humorous.
18. Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas? Santa Jaws.
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Their presents would probably be more fish to eat or some ornaments to hang on their fins. Or maybe a toothbrush to clean their multiple rows of teeth!

via: Unsplash / Alex Rose
19. What do you call a chicken at the North Pole? Lost.
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I guess this chicken crossed too many roads and lost track of where he was going. I guess the elves can have some fried chicken as a Christmas dinner! If they even eat chicken.
20. What a purr-fect present!
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This one is what a cat would say if they were given some catnip for Christmas and if they could speak English. It would also be an appropriate response to getting a cat for Christmas.

via: Unsplash / YoonJae Baik
21. What’s Santa’s dog’s name? Santa Paws!
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Santa Paws is an actual dog's name in the film "The Search for Santa Paws," released in 2010. Even if it's a fictional dog, I still think it's cute to share a first name with your pet. Imagine being named Kevin and also naming your dog Kevin.
22. Happy Howlidays!
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This one almost sounds like it would be more fitting as a Halloween pun. I guess wolves also like Christmas.

via: Unsplash / Eva Blue
5 Bad Animal Jokes You Need To Share To Your Friends For A Laughter

via: Pexels / Nur Andi Ravsanjani Gusma
Not all puns have to be amazing or clever. Sometimes bad puns will get just as much of a laugh as any other pun. Even if you get an eye-roll for saying one, they can't deny that it didn't amuse them a little bit!
23. Why do cows wear bells? Because their horns don't work.
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The real reason cows wear bells is to be able to find them if they escape their enclosure. However, bells aren't used very often now as most farmers use electric fences to keep the cows from escaping.
24. What do you call a cow that eats your grass? A lawn moo-er
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Did you know cows can eat up to 160 pounds of fresh grass a day? They might as well be a lawnmower, although they'd be a very slow one.

via: Unsplash / Liam Charmer
25. What fish only swims at night? A starfish
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Starfish don't really sleep. It's a contested field of study, as starfish are always moving. It's unclear whether they sleep or simply keep on swimming during the night.
26. What do you call a fish without an eye? Fsh!
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A starfish is actually a fish without any eyes! They are also missing a brain and blood in their bodies!

via: Unsplash / Tijana Mihajlovic
5 Puns Perfect For Animal-Loving Kids

via: Unsplash / Ajin K S
Kids love animals, that's for sure. When we go to the zoo, we see that kids have the most fun. Whether they're looking at a deer, a bird, or their pets, they're filled with warmth. Fill their hearts with laughter with a dad joke and a funny pun!
27. What kind of jungle cat is no fun to play games with? A cheetah!
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Cat jokes are all fun until you involve a cheetah! Did you know that the name 'cheetah' came from a Hindi word that means 'spotted one'?
28. What do you call a sleeping cow? A bull-dozer.
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This one applies to a sleeping bull, too. Have you seen sleeping cows? Trust me when I say they're adorable.

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29. Why did the fish blush? It saw the ocean’s bottom.
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It's a good pun if you're looking to get some quick laughs. Maybe the fish is an anglerfish because they're known to stay at the bottom of the ocean.
30. What do you call an alligator with a spy glass? An investigator.
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This wordplay will surely make anyone laugh. This funny animal joke makes a lot of sense. Maybe the investigator is looking for the thieving alligator? However, despite their scary demeanor, alligators can't actually survive in saltwater.

via: Pexels / Ray Bilcliff
31. What did the judge say when the skunk came into his courtroom? “Odor in the court!”
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Hilarious animal puns like this will get the whole courtroom laughing! Skunks actually do a warning dance before spraying the good stuff, though!
Downloadable and Printable List of Animal Puns
Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of animal puns (right-click the image and select save Image As...):

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Frequently Asked Questions

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It's a sheer coincidence (pun definitely intended) that you have questions because I have the answers!
How can you make puns with several animals in them?
Whale... it's not that hard to incorporate llama del Rey with other sheep. That's my attempt at putting many animals in one pun. Be creative and go crazy. Puns aren't meant to be taken seriously, so just put in animals that you can.
What should I do to get over a terrible animal pun?
There's no getting over it. You have to live with it until you find another terrible pun. The animal kingdom is filled with animals that you can make puns of! *wink*
How do I make a cute pun illustration?
You can gain some inspiration from the internet. Think of your favorite pun and draw the animal in the funniest way you can. If you're stuck, you can search for ideas on the internet, but make sure to make it your own.
How to Pick the Best Animal Puns

via: Pexels / Nataliya Vaitkevich
With so many animal puns to choose from, it can be difficult to pick out the best ones. But you won't have to worry about that, as following this simple guide will allow you to pick the best animal puns to add to your pun arsenal.
1. Pick From A Variety of Animal Types

via: Pexels / Rajesh S Balouria
It can be boring to just tell puns about dogs or cats. Make sure to mix in puns about a variety of different animals. Think of making puns about sea creatures, animals with wings, or even insects. There are millions of different types of animals, so don't limit yourself to the ones you know!
2. Choose Puns About Uncommon Animals

via: Pexels / Pixabay
Although puns about animals you see every day can still be good puns, it takes someone that thinks outside the box to think of puns about uncommon animals. Get creative and make puns about animals like eels, pandas, or animals you don't see every day. This will keep your punning sessions refreshing and interesting.
3. Mix Different Types of Puns Together

via: Unsplash / Kelly Sikkema
It's good to have a mix of clever or complicated puns with very simple and cheesy puns. If you only know cheesy one-line puns, it might get boring to hear the same type of joke, so spice it up and look for varying levels of pun complexity!
More Witty Puns to Share or Start a Conversation With
- Are you the undisputed master of puns about trees? Then make sure to leaf through these tree puns and see if there's any that you can add to your forest of punny jokes.
- Have a ruff day? These dog jokes will certainly put a smile on your face. Check them out and see if you find any of them fetching!
- Thanksgiving isn't the only day that turkey jokes (throw in a food pun) are appropriate. A good turkey joke can fit almost any occasion! Look through these jokes and make your friends "gobble over" in laughter.
In Conclusion
Puns can be a very witty and intelligent form of comedy. It can also be very dumb and cheesy. The range that puns have as a type of joke is very impressive. Even if you claim not to like puns, you have to admit they get a reaction out of anyone that hears one, whether an eye-roll or a short chuckle. And honestly, that's all you can hope for as a comedian.
There's also a massive amount of variety when it comes to puns. They can be about anything; it doesn't just have to be animal puns. A pun can be made about basically any situation or object if you think outside the box enough.
So let these animal puns be a gateway to expand your pun horizons! I hope you enjoyed them and that they gave you some good jokes to add to your comedy arsenal.