Never have I ever questions for couples are great when you find yourself and your partner looking for new and fun ways to get to know each other.

These fun questions to ask can really help you get to know each other better and can really help a conversation just flow.

Some never have I ever questions for couples are funny and some are really random, but you can be sure that when you have these questions to ask, you will never have another awkward silence again!


7 Best Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

1. Never have I ever Deleted a chat conversation so you wouldn’t see it

This question has the potential to be a minefield, so make sure you answer it truthfully.

2. Never have I ever Feigned interest so you would be happy

It's difficult to believe that someone has never pretended to be interested in something, but hey, you never know!

3. Never have I ever thought about leaving you

This question is a little bit dark but is completely warranted if you are going through a rough patch.

4. Never have I ever marveled at how amazing you are

Everyone finds it hard taking compliments, so why not give a compliment with a never have I ever question.

5. Never have I ever lied about something important

If you ask this question, be prepared for a long conversation.

6. Never have I ever wished you had a different face

This question is hilarious. Although we are all blessed with our own good looks, having the face of Chris Evans always helps.

7. Never have I ever pretended I didn't hear you

Normally being passive-aggressive will get you nowhere, but this time, it just might.

7 Never Have I Ever Get To Know You Questions For Couples

8. Never have I ever walked into the wrong restroom

Embarrassing when it happens. Embarrassing when you're asked about it. This is one of the great fun questions.

9. Never have I ever committed a felony

Your partner may seem all cute and wholesome but admitting to a felony can make you see them in a whole other light.

10. Never have I ever danced in the shower

Dancing in the shower. Is it fun? Yes. Is it dangerous? Yes. Well then its obviously a great question to ask.

11. Never have I ever taken a mirror selfie

Only a certain vintage of people will admit to this, so make sure you ask the right people.

12. Never have I ever kept a dark secret

PLEASE NOTE: Admitting to having a dark secret will result in your or your partner having to divulge details of said secret.

13. Never have I ever thought of jumping from a bridge

Never have I ever questions for couples aren't always happy and fun. Sometimes you have to ask the hard questions before you get to the fun questions.

14. Never have I ever freaked out upon seeing a spider

This is a very important question. If you are afraid of spiders and your partner is afraid of spiders, then WHO GETS RID OF THE SPIDERS!

7 Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples You Can Also Ask A Girl

15. Never have I ever lied about being sick to avoid a date

This is an awful way to get out of a date, but sometimes, you know, you just have to.

16. Never have I ever said I was already on my way when I was still at home

There are some people who are very early. There are some people who are on time. And then there are those are consistently late? Which one are you?

17. Never have I ever wished I was older

When you are a kid, all you want to be is older. But now, well, we're not too sure if it was worth all that wishing.

18. Never have I ever laughed at an inappropriate time

If the answer is yes, more detail will need to be provided.

19. Never have I ever posted a filtered photo and said it has no filter

Honesty is important in both life and Instagram posts.

20. Never have I ever experienced extreme mood swing

Extreme mood swings are no fun. But it is good to get the heads up now, so you can help if it happens again.

21. Never have I ever missed a flight

Missing a flight always comes with an incredible story.

7 Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples You Can Also Ask A Guy

22. Never have I ever feared meeting my partner's parents

Even the bravest amongst us are afraid to meet their partner's parents.

23. Never have I ever chosen to hang out with the boys over my partner

Sometimes, you know, you just need some "friends-time". And that's a-ok!

24. Never have I ever driven a stick shift

Automatics have made driving so much easier. But the sign of a great driver is being able to drive stick.

25. Never have I ever dated two people at once

Oh, the scandal. Hold my popcorn!

26. Never have I ever went on a camping trip

This may not seem like one of the great questions to ask, but it might just result in planning in impromptu holiday!

27. Never have I ever tried to guess the neighbor's Wi-Fi password

Pretending to be a hacker is always fun. And so is the feeling when you actually crack the code!

28. Never have I ever like guacamole

Half the world loves it, the other half hates it. Where does your partner stand?

6 funny never have i ever questions for couples

29. Never have I ever timed a fart with loud noises

This one is for those of you who take pride in your fart performance.

30. Never have I ever lied about the taste of what you cooked

At the end of the day, it is all food and lying about how it tasted is allowed.

31. Never have I ever met real-life twins

The chances of anyone never meeting real-life twins is so small that you are guaranteed that your partner will answer yes.

32. Never have I ever done community service

Voluntary or otherwise, this question needs to be asked.

33. Never have I ever planned to be a vegan

Veganism is so cool these days. So the answer to this question may be a resounding yes.

34. Never have I ever chickened out of a plan at the last moment just to stay in bed.

A big night out or a sold-out gig might sound like the best night ever but really staying in bed is sometimes what the doctor ordered.

3 Weird Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

35. Never have I ever spied on my neighbors.

Whether this happened when you were a child or last week, it is always embarrassing.

36. Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar.

Generally, if someone is kicked out of a bar, there is a really good story behind it.

37. Never have I ever thought you had a bad taste in music.

This question can make someone:

A) Tell you a really interesting story

B) Sing the 80's classic

5 First Date Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

38. Never have I ever lied on the first date

Maybe not the best question to ask on an actual first date.

39. Never have I ever been nervous about a first date

This question is a great way to break the ice. First dates can be really nerve-wracking so why not calm it down with this question?

40. Never have I ever kissed someone during the first date

Is it a question or a proposition? There's only one way to find out!

41. Never have I ever read Romeo and Juliet

Watched the movie? Yes. But reading, who has time for reading?

42. Never have I ever pretended there was a family emergency

Some first dates are magical. Others are stopped by your Grandma's, Niece's dog being run over.

5 Ice Breaker Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

43. Never have I ever been afraid of clowns

Everyone has a very strong opinion on clowns. So why not find out what their clown-opinion is?

44. Never have I ever watched a scary movie

Scary movies are great, unless, you know, you're afraid of clowns.

45. Never have I ever been paranoid

It doesn't matter how old you are. Feeling like you are being followed upstairs is real!

46. Never have I ever sent a message that I wish I could take back

Where is CTRL-Z when you need it?

47. Never have I ever sang in a choir

Finding out that your partner was in a choir may lead to an all-night sing along!

5 Interesting Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

48. Never have I ever sang in the shower.

Anyone who says they have never sung in the shower cannot be trusted.

49. Never have I ever worn sleepwear and pretended it was outdoor clothing.

When you are a little bit under the weather from the night before, pajamas are the only thing you should be wearing.

50. Never have I ever participated in a school play

This question could lead to spending the rest of the night watching old videos of you as a child in A Christmas Carol.

51. Never have I ever had a large circle of friends

Not everyone has a large circle of friends. Having a few good ones is just as good.

52. Never have I ever been in a fist fight

Whether they started it or not is not the question!

5 Random Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

53. Never have I ever read a movie's plot before watching it

It doesn't matter how many times you read *Spoiler Alert*, somehow film reviews always ruin the ending.

54. Never have I ever been frightened by the idea of growing old

Growing old is inevitable but it is really scary.

55. Never have I ever thought of how I am going to die

While most of us hope that we will die of old age, others *ahem* would rather die in a vat of melted cheese.

56. Never have I ever been to the movies alone

Going to a movie alone is a sign that someone is independent and has their own mind.

57. Never have I ever played solitaire using real cards

Solitaire in any form is great fun but you can't really play the card version at work.

4 Truth Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

58. Never have I ever made an embarrassing video that I now regret.

If your partner was ever a teenager, the chances are they made an embarrassing video.

59. Never have I ever dated someone for more than a year.

Knowing your partner's dating history is always important.

60. Never have I ever peed in the shower

The answer to this question has the potential to be a dating red flag.

61. Never have I ever danced in the rain

Romantic? Yes. Cold? Sometimes. An excuse to lie in front of a roaring fire? Always.

20 fun never have I ever questions for couples

62. Never have I ever cried in public.

It happens to the best of us.

63. Never have I ever sent nude pictures of me.

It happens to the best of us.

64. Never have I ever spied on my neighbors.

If you haven't, you've never had neighbors.

65. Never have I ever eaten food that fell on the floor.

It's the 5-second rule.

66. Never have I ever fought in the street.

Sometimes, you have to defend yourself!

67. Never have I ever fallen asleep in the cinema.

Some movies are just too relaxing.

68. Never have I ever cut in front of someone in line.


69. Never have I ever forgotten a joke while telling it.

We all get performance pressure from time to time.

70. Never have I ever walked in on someone using the toilet.

That's always super cringy.

71. Never have I ever had food stuck between my teeth all day.

Have you eaten corn on the cob? That thing gets everywhere.

72. Never have I ever broken a chair by sitting on it.

Some chairs are just too weak.

73. Never have I ever purposely given someone the wrong directions.

We get it. Tourists can be annoying.

74. Never have I ever used my partner's toothbrush.

They are difficult to tell apart when you haven't had your coffee yet!

75. Never have I ever lied about having an emergency to leave a bad date early.

You do what you gotta do.

76. Never have I ever pretended not to be home when someone rang my doorbell.

People should stop dropping by uninvited.

77. Never have I ever broken something in a store and then walked away from it.

Why do they place fragile objects close to the edge?

78. Never have I ever forgotten a loved one's birthday.

There was a time when calendars couldn't send notifications.

79. Never have I ever had a crush on my boss.

Hey, one is allowed to daydream.

80. Never have I ever fallen asleep while talking to my partner on the phone.

At least they can calm you down like no other!

81. Never have I ever flirted with someone in a strange place (like a church or a hospital).

If it's meant to be, love will find you anywhere.

Downloadable List of Never Have I Ever Questions for Couples

Here is a downloadable list of never have I ever questions for couples (right-click the image and select Save Image As:...)

How To Pick Good Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

Whether you are playing never have I ever to get to know your partner better or just as a fun game, there are some things you need to remember when you are choosing never have I ever questions.

1. Setting is important

While some never have I ever questions can be used with your friends and family, some questions for couples should only be used when the two of you are alone together.

2. Unsurprising answers

If you have been a relationship for a while, it is probably best to stay away from questions you already know the answers to. By asking these questions, you run the risk of ruining the fun of the game and breaking the never have I ever rules.

3. Have fun

Never have I ever is always a fun game to play, so try not to think too much when you are playing it. Choosing questions should come with some level of spontaneity so make sure you keep the questions light and fun.

More Great Questions To Ask

Are you looking for even more questions? Well don't worry, we have you covered.

  1. Whether you are an interviewer or an interviewee, you need to know what questions to ask. Head of over to our list of interview questions for more.
  2. Nothing says fun quite like the newlywed game. For some great newlywed game questions, head over to our guide.
  3. Looking for a game to pass the time? Our 21 questions game will get you having fun in no time.

In Conclusion

Never have I ever may seem like a weird game to play when there are only two players but it is also a great way to start a conversation and get to know your partner more intimately. Even answers to the most trivial and fun questions can leave you amazed.

When you are choosing never have I ever questions for couples, remember to always pick ones that are suitable for the setting. Only ask questions, your partner doesn't mind giving the answer to. However, never have I ever is a fun game so make sure you pick fun questions and have a bit of fun.

So now that you have some of the best never have I ever questions for couples, why not use them? You never know what you might learn.