Why waste your time watching cat videos when there are so many productive things to do online?

You could make some extra cash, or even learn a new skill. With all the different things to do online, the opportunities are endless.

Just take a look at this list below — you're sure to find plenty of interesting things to do on the web that could benefit you in some way or the other.


3 Best productive things to do online

If you didn't know already, you can do just about everything on the internet these days. Don't spend all your time on social media ...or Minecraft. Keep yourself busy, instead, with some productive things to do online.

1. Pick a hobby

There's a huge list of hobbies online just waiting for you try them.

2. Find the best deal online

Finding the best deal online is way easier than in real life.

3. Make some money writing online

If you love writing, why not make money with it?

3 productive and fun things to do online

Did you know that there are fun things to do online that are also productive? There are loads of them! Check out some examples below.

4. Learn how to improve your memory

Try using the pythagoras memory technique to help you.

5. Support your favorite restaurants and bars from afar

Write great reviews that they'll absolutely appreciate.

6. Answer some questions on Quora

Ask some questions you have, while you're at it.

3 productive and cool things to do online

Looking for some more fun? Then you've got to try these cool things to do online. They're fun and amazing, and will get you wanting to share them with all the people you know.

7. Get painting lessons from Bob Ross

One of the best painting teachers of our time.

8. Write and publish an ebook for free

Put that brilliant novel out for the world to read — done be shy!

9. Learn any language in the world at Duolingo

Learning a language has never been easier. We've got tons of resources to help us.

5 productive and creative things to do online

If you're somewhat of an artistic person then be prepared to show off your skills. We've found some of the best creative things to do online to create the most fun out of your time.

10. Create your own 3D printed products

If you've got access to a 3D printer, you've gotta try this at least once.

11. Discover New Music

You might just find the next big thing before anyone else does.

12. Make Some Music in Soundtrap

Allow people to listen to your music. People love exploring new artists.

13. Become a YouTube Celebrity

Remember that everyone started out small. Encourage yourself, anyone can be famous.

14. Turn yourself into a Manga character

We all secretly wish to look like those characters, don't we?

4 productive and adventurous things to do online

You don't need to be outdoors to go on adventures. There are adventurous things to do online that will give you that same adrenaline rush you're seeking outdoors.

15. Watch tornado chasers live

If this doesn't give you a rush, we do t know what else will...

16. Use up what you have in your kitchen with a SuperCook recipe

We're always missing that one ingredient. With SuperCook, you cook with what you have.

17. Track sharks, dolphins and turtles with OSEARCH Tracker

It almost feels as real as being right beside them ...I said 'almost'.

18. Broadcast live audio over the web

You'd be surprised at some of the things you hear. Don't say we didn't warn ya!

4 productive things to do online with friends

Whether you have your friends over, or you're looking for things to do with friends over the web, we've got a list of productive things to do online that all your pals can join in on!

19. Host a digital Netflix party

Watch your friends watch Netflix!

20. Attend a music festival

Yes, online!

21. Host A Virtual Games Night

Pretty much anything can be done virtually with a little quick thinking and willingness to do so.

22. Get Your Friends To Do A Virtual Karaoke

It won't seem as awkward singing to a camera in your room.

4 productive things to do online over the summer

The summer is filled with unproductive things to do, that's for sure! Don't let those warm, sunny days deprive you of all things useful. Find some productive things to do over the summer while you're browsing the web.

23. Start A Vlog

Summer vlogs are always full of great content.

24. Look for cheap flights

Because summer is the time for travel!

25. Watch penguins, elephants and belugas live from the zoo

You don't even have to go to the zoo. Watch them right from your screen.

26. Make new friends

Meet new people millions of miles away from you that you'll never have to see!

4 productive things to do online for your girlfriend

As we said, the internet is the place for everything. This includes things to do for your girlfriend to make her feel special. Girls love when you think outside the box, so get thinking with some of these great ideas.

27. Work Out With YouTube Classes

Forget the gym! Workout right at home, just you and your girlfriend.

28. Have a night at the opera

Stream live opera on Roku, Amazon, and Apple devices.

29. Send a bunch of flowers via Flowers2mail

Let her know you're thinking of her when you take a break from Minecraft.

30. Create a Photo Gallery

Create a special gallery of all the incredible moments the two of you have spent together.

Downloadable List of Productive Things To Do Online

Here is a downloadable list of productive things to do online (right-click the image and select Save Image As...):

How to Pick Productive Things To Do Online

You've gotta admit there are plenty of productive things to do online. Sure, you can try to do all of them, but, let's be realistic, you probably won't be able to with all the other distractions on the web.

So, here's a few ways to help you decide on which ones to add to your list of productive things to do that we all know you won't ever have time for...

1. Try Things You Love Doing

Doing something you don't like doing can feel like a chore, so, to start off, choose things you really enjoy doing. This will make it feel more like an activity, rather than something you're making yourself do.

2. The More Benefits, The Better

Wouldn't you feel good knowing you're doing something that really benefits you? Making extra cash online, learning something that can earn you a great opportunity in life, or even donating to someone in need can feel more than just a productive thing to do.

More Useful Things To Do

There's nothing better than getting things done. Look for some more productive things to do while you're here.

  1. Enjoy getting paid for what you love doing with these hobbies that make money.
  2. Check out these productive things to do when bored and without plans.
  3. So little time and so many things to do over the summer. Let us help you out with your summer plans!

In Conclusion

If you've already figured out which productive things to do online you'd like to get started on then there's no better time than right now to do them!

Why waste any more of your time online? If you keep putting it off, you know you'll never get to it, so get going right this minute!