via: Depositphotos / GaudiLab
Whether she's your long-term girlfriend or a crush you're trying to woo, sending a good night text for her is always a solid move. If you want to know how to get a girlfriend, it's all about the little things. Sending her a message at bedtime is just one of those sweet little details that can really help a romance to blossom.
Of course, if you plan on sending her nighttime tidings, you need to know both how to text a girl and what to text a girl. After all, sending the right text at the right time can really make her feel special. Read on to learn how to send the perfect text that will make you the hero of her dreams.
11 Best Good Night Messages For Her

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
1. I know that it's tough for you to fall asleep without me. Let it be the biggest nuisance in your life.
This text is confident yet playful, and it lets her know that you want the best for her.
2. I miss our conversations until the morning, the night is empty without you. Sweet dreams.
Let her know how much those special moments mean to you.
3. My hectic day is over. I want you to know that I was thinking about you and now I will imagine you in my arms. Sweet dreams, I love you.
This is a sweet text because it shows her that even after a long day, she's still on your mind.
4. Let me wish you a good night. I hope that soon I will fall asleep together with you so I can tell you these words personally.
Texts are sweet, but there's nothing like a real, person-to-person connection.
5. I miss you with every passing second. I miss the way everything feels alright with you. I miss you.
Use this text when you're longing for her on those lonely nights when she's not around.
6. My dreams are incomplete without you in them.
You can't control your dreams, but you can try! Let her know how much you love when she makes a guest appearance.
7. At the end of the day, all I wish to see is your smile, and that makes my day. Hope you had a great one! Good night.
If her smile lights up your life, tell her about it.
8. When I come home exhausted from work, I just close my eyes and imagine you. Your beautiful bright eyes makes all my tiredness go away. Good night.
This text gives her a great compliment while letting her know how much you care.
9. Want to know my perfect date idea? It's not some fancy restaurant; it's just you and I cuddling at night and watching a movie together. That is the only thing I want to do at the end of my day. Good night.
Sometimes the simple things in life are the best.
10. Even after spending the entire day with you, I just can't seem to get enough of you.
This is the perfect text after hanging out with her and going your separate ways at the end of the night.
11. My daily routine after coming home from work is to jump in the shower, brush my teeth, and think about you before sleeping. It's just perfect!
You know someone's special when they make it into your nighttime rituals!
12. You mean the world to me and I can’t wait to see you again.
Simple yet sweet, this text is a reminder of how much you value her.
13. Every day before sleeping I think of ways to make you smile the next day. Your smile makes my days and nights perfect.
End the night on a positive note with this happy, uplifting text.
14. I’ve got you and only you in my heart.
Let her know that she's the only one.
15. Every day you give me more reasons to fall in love with you.
Bonus points if you name some of those reasons.
16. It’s cold here, I wish we could be together to warm up…
Obviously this text is for those chilly nights alone.
17. You are such a big part of my life. I just know that you will be in mine for many more years to come.
Let her know that you see her in your future.
18. It’s amazing to think about how love works in our lives. It really makes the impossible possible!
Let her know that she's magical.
19. I want you to know that whatever life throws our way, I will always stay in love with you.
Assure her that your feelings are true and unchanging.
20. Which three things would you bring to a deserted island?
It's a classic, lighthearted question that helps you learn about each others' favorite things.
21. If you had x-ray vision glasses, would you use them to see under the clothes?
This question is silly but it can lead in to other scandalous conversations.
22. If you could have dinner with anybody, dead or alive, who would it be?
This is another classic question that can make for some interesting discussions.
23. If aliens arrived at Earth and they chose you to visit their home planet, would you go with them?
Chatting about the mysteries of space is a fun way to end the day.
24. Which movie title would describe your life? Why?
This question can lead to hilarious or deep conversations. Get creative with it!
25. Is there any funny story about you that you haven’t told anyone?
A little laughter is always welcome.
26. What is the sweetest thing I ever did for you?
Nothing like reminiscing about fond memories to send her to snoozeville smiling.
27. How about we meet this Sunday at [coffee shop] and get to know each other in person a little bit?
This is a great text if you're chatting with someone new in your life.
28. Why don’t we hang out for a bit?
Direct and to the point. Lots of girls like that.
29. How about we meet later this week for a quick drink?
Beverages are the social lubricant of the dating world.
30. I have an interesting idea about what we could do later this week.
This one should pique her interest. Just make sure you actually have an interesting idea ready!
31. Ok, let’s pretend for a sec that you’re a guy and I’m a hot girl like you. How would you ask me out?
What better way to know how to ask a girl out than by asking her how to ask you out?
32. Honestly? I like you. You’re a lot of fun to be around and you’re pretty hot too, so let’s go somewhere together already!
This text is bold and direct without sounding too arrogant. Plus it never hurts to throw a compliment in there.
33. Let’s chill, what’s your schedule like next week?
This text shows her that you're a considerate guy.
34. I am going to x this Friday. Would you care to join me?
Find a cool event in your area and invite her to it. It's that simple.
35. I’d like to take you out.
It doesn't get more direct than that.
36. Will you marry me? If not, can I just take you out for dinner?
It's a classic sales trick. Ask for something huge first, that way your second request seems more reasonable in comparison!
37. Your mutual favorite DJ or band is playing this weekend and I have an extra ticket, wanna be my date?
Make sure you have those tickets! It would be a shame if the show sold out after she said yes.
38. Hold your phone tightly because this text message is a hug in disguise. Good night.
This is a cute one that's sure to make her feel special.
39. Hey. I know it's late, but I can’t stop thinking of you. I hope that you have an amazing night with dreams filled with me. Good night.
Just make sure it's not too late or you might disturb her slumber.
40. I bet you are beautiful when you are sleeping.
This text is ideal when you haven't slept together yet, but you know it's on the horizon.
41. Are you going to think about me before you fall asleep tonight? I hope so…
If she wasn't already, she is now!
42. This text message is an official invitation for you to join me in my dreams.
Official invitations are much more meaningful than those boring unofficial ones.
43. My bed is so comfy tonight. I wish you were here so I could hold you. Now that would be even comfier.
A cozy text that's sure to make her feel happy inside.
44. All snuggled up in bed with my cat. There's still plenty of room for you though. Just sayin!
Dogs are acceptable as well. Who can resist a cute pet?
45. I can't promise to dream of you every night, as it's really difficult to sleep with you always on my mind.
This clever text has classic misdirection at the start, with a twist at the end. Perfection!
46. I cannot imagine a world without you.
If she means the world to you, this is the text for you.
47. As you go to sleep tonight, forget counting sheep. Count the ways I love you.
You can get her started with some specific ways.
48. Goodnight to the most wonderful person I’ve ever known. Wishing you a very good night. Sweet dreams!
This is just super sweet and honest. Sometimes the simple texts are the best ones.
49. I wish I could fall asleep in your arms.
Simple, straightforward, and oh-so-sweet.
50. I am so happy to be with you. I wish I didn’t have to sleep so we could keep talking.
This is the perfect way to end a great conversation when it's time to drift into dreamland.
51. I’d give anything to be able to fall asleep next to you right now.
This is a great text for when you usually sleep together, but one of you is away.
52. Each night I miss you more and more.
This is the perfect text when she's traveling for multiple days.
53. Sleep well tonight because tomorrow will be another love-filled day for us. Good night!
Encourage her to look forward to the next day's adventures.
54. You are everything to me. You are my strength when my own strength fails.
Let her know she's your rock.
55. Good night, sleep tight. I will be dreaming of you with all my might.
You're a poet and you didn't even realize so.
56. My beard has grown three inches since the last text.
This text is lighthearted and playful. If you don't have a beard, you can use your mustache (or your normal hair, I guess).
57. Okay I’ll answer for you. Yes, you’re going out tonight. Glad we had this convo :)
If she's on the fence about going out, you may need to take charge of the situation.
58. Your response time is longer than Ross and Rachel’s entire relationship. 10 seasons.
This is a silly one, and that's good because you don't want to sound angry if she doesn't text back.
59. Hey I just met you, and this is crazy but you have my number and text me maybe.
You know you love some Carly.
60. You text someone, then throw your phone halfway across the world?
If she texted you first and then didn't respond to your response, this is the text for you.
61. You have 1 minute to text back or else I am going to think you're fantasizing about me.
An ultimatum may not go over well if she's not in the mood. Use this one with caution!
62. I hope you're writing me the 9th Harry Potter novel.
This is another goofy way to remind her that you're on the other end waiting.
63. Even if you’re tired after a hard day and do not look at all 100 percent, I always love you 1,000 percent! Good night.
It's no great secret that work and life stresses can wear us down; this message reassures her that your love is not dependent on her performance.
64. I wish that all of our dreams about you and me come true. Good night, sweetheart.
What better way to communicate your romance than to wish for it even when you're both asleep?
65. I love you like roses love rain, like walking together down memory lane. Sleep tight my Love.
Poetic and alliterative, this one will fill her heart and mind with pleasant images before bed.
66. You’ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.
Let her know that she's always on your mind, and always in your heart.
67. May you dream of lovely things, and have them become real before your eyes when you wake up.
Use this text when she might be feeling a little bit down, and she'll be instantly calmed and encouraged.
68. I know what you are the one, because when we are apart I feel incomplete. I never want to be without you. Goodnight.
This message is particularly good for when you're apart and want to keep your connection alive and well.
69. I send you this message loaded with love and tenderness to wish you the sweetest night ever! Sleep well, dear.
Embrace your sensitive, goofy side with slightly exaggerated texts like this one.
70. Hurry to sleep, and you'll find me... because I will dream of your kisses and soft caresses.
Even in your sleep, this message says that the two of you are always destined to find each other's love.
71. I couldn’t sleep before saying good night darling, have sweet dreams.
About to fall asleep, but know she's still awake? This is the only text you need.
72. One day, we will never have to say goodbye, only goodnight.
Dream of better days together, when you'll never have to be apart.
73. I can't fall asleep until I tell you how much I miss you – love you and goodnight!
Short, sweet, and to the point, this text tells her that she's on your mind all day and night.
74. Good night, sleep tight. I will be dreaming of you with all my might.
You may not be a lucid dreamer, but that doesn't make this message any less romantic.
75. I want to always be in your thoughts and heart like you are always in mine.
Keep the two of you close with texts like this that bring your hearts and minds back together.
76. As you close your eyes tonight, know that I am closing mine with you in my mind. Good night, my love.
Sometimes just the reassurance that you're thinking of her can mean the world to a girl.
77. I love you more than anything in this world. I hope you know that as you fall asleep.
When love is true, it's important to make a habit of saying it when you feel it.
78. Here’s to dreaming about all the romantic things we can do when we meet tomorrow.
Trying to set up a date for tomorrow but not sure what to do yet? Use this text for maximum effect.
79. You are the dream that every man wants to see, but only a man like me who gets to open his eyes to.
Sometimes, flattery will get you everywhere.
80. No distance will prevent me from loving you! I am looking forward to seeing you in my dreams.
This one is particularly powerful when you're forced to be apart due to work, school, or travels.
81. My Pretty girl, I want to be with you now. I hope that soon you will fall asleep in my arms!
Missing her a lot tonight? Then this text is just right for letting her know that without being overly assertive.
82. Sleep well sweetheart. Know that you are not alone, I am always there in your heart, wherever you are!
What better way to tell her that your connection is real, no matter what distance is between you?
Ultimate List of Good Night Messages For Her
Text Categories
Good Night Love Messages To Your Love That Are Also Great Good Morning Texts

via: Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto
These handy texts work equally well at night or in the morning. If you forgot to text her last night, sending a good morning text for her is a great way to remind her that you care.
A simple good morning text can really help her to start the day off on the right foot. Sometimes a morning sets the mood for the rest of the day. These texts are super romantic, so use them wisely!
- As the moon shines its gentle light upon you, may your dreams be filled with love and joy. Good night, my beautiful, and wake up to a morning that brings you even more happiness.
- Before you drift off to sleep, know that you are the first thought on my mind when I wake up. Good night, my sweet, and have a morning as radiant as your smile.
- Sending you a virtual hug and a whisper of love to accompany you through the night. Sleep well, my dear, and may your morning be as warm as our embrace
- The night sky is a canvas, and you are the brightest star that twinkles in my heart. Rest peacefully, my love, and may your morning shine as brightly as your presence in my life.
- Close your eyes and imagine the most beautiful dreams, for tomorrow awaits endless possibilities. Good night, my darling, and may your morning be filled with delightful surprises.
- As the night wraps its arms around you, know that my love and affection embrace you even tighter. Sleep peacefully, my angel, and wake up to a morning that unfolds like a fairy tale.
- As you lay your head on the pillow, let go of any worries or stress. Tomorrow is a new day, and together, we can conquer anything.
- No matter how far apart we may be, know that my heart is always with you, even in the silence of the night. Dream sweetly, my beloved, and may your morning bring you closer to our shared dreams.
- As the world sleeps, I'm grateful for your presence in my life. You bring me immense joy and happiness. Rest well, my dear, and wake up to a morning that's as beautiful as our love.
- Before the night takes you away into its peaceful embrace, remember that you are cherished and adored. Sleep tight, my sweetheart, and wake up to a morning that's as breathtaking as your presence in my world.
Conversation Starters Good Night Messages For Her

via: Unsplash / Nathan Dumlao
Sometimes a conversation with the girl you care for is the best way to end the day. These text conversation starters are perfect for when you're lying in bed, bored, trying to think of something to say to her.
Knowing how to start a text conversation with a girl is an incredibly valuable skill. These days, you can really get to know someone through text, and a good conversation can make her see you in a new light. Use these good night text for her to kick off the conversation, and then see where it goes. The possibilities are endless!
- As we bid goodnight to the day, I can't help but wonder, what was your favorite moment from today?
- Before we drift off to sleep, let's share one thing we are grateful for today. What brought a smile to your face?
- As the night settles in, I'm curious to know, what are your dreams and aspirations that keep you motivated?
- Before we close our eyes, let's reflect on the day and share one lesson we've learned. What valuable insight did you gain today?
- As the stars twinkle above, let's engage in some lighthearted conversation. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
- Before we embark on a peaceful slumber, tell me, what's your favorite way to relax and unwind after a long day?
- As the night whispers its tranquility, let's delve into the realm of imagination. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?
- Before we enter dreamland, let's ignite our creativity. Share with me one thing you'd love to learn or try in the near future.
- As the night wraps us in its serenity, let's indulge in some playful banter. What's the most hilarious thing that happened to you recently?
- Before we drift off to sleep, let's embrace some nostalgia. Share with me a cherished childhood memory that still brings a smile to your face.
Good Night Messages Asking A Girl Out

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
So you're ready to make the big move. She gave you her number, so she's probably interested in you. If you want to take the relationship to the next level, you have to ask her out on a date.
Once you know how to ask a girl out over text, life becomes so much easier. After all, asking her out face-to-face can be seriously intimidating! Use a good night text for her from this list to sound smooth and confident when you make plans with her.
- As the night falls, I can't help but wonder if you'd like to go out on a date with me. It would make my dreams come true. Good night!
- Before we bid the day goodbye, I have a question that's been on my mind. Would you do me the honor of accompanying me on a date? Sleep well, and let's discuss it in the morning.
- As the stars shine above, I can't help but imagine how wonderful it would be to have a date night with you. Care to make it a reality? Good night and let's plan a memorable evening.
- Before we drift off to sleep, I must confess that I can't stop thinking about going on a date with you. Would you give me a chance to make it happen? Sleep tight, and let's talk tomorrow.
- As we prepare to rest, there's something I'd love to ask you. Would you like to go out with me and explore the possibilities of a romantic evening? Good night, and let's discuss it soon.
- Before the night envelops us, I wanted to express my desire to take you out on a date. Your company would make the evening truly special. Sleep well, and let's continue this conversation tomorrow.
- As the moonlight casts a gentle glow, I can't help but imagine how incredible it would be to have a date with you. Will you grant me the privilege? Good night, and let's plan our magical time together.
- Before we close our eyes, I have a question that's been on my mind. Would you like to join me for a date filled with laughter and good conversation? Sleep tight, and let's talk about it soon.
- As the night embraces us, I gather the courage to ask: would you allow me the pleasure of taking you out on a date?
- Before we drift off to sleep, I want to confess that I'm captivated by your charm. Can I have the opportunity to make you smile on a date?
Flirty Good Night Love Messages For Her

via: Pexels / Maksim Goncharenok
These flirty texts for her are sure to give her sweet dreams. If you want to be the last thing on her mind before she slips into slumber, you need to learn how to flirt with a girl over text.
These romantic texts are sappy, but that's not a bad thing! Sometimes girls like a little cheesy romance. Of course, you don't want to come on too strong, so you may want to use these flirty texts sparingly.
- As the night unfolds its secrets, I can't help but yearn for the warmth of your embrace. Sleep tight, beautiful *wink*.
- Tonight, I wish to be the cool breeze that brushes against your skin, gently reminding you of my presence. Have a dreamy night, gorgeous.
- Just a heads-up before you drift off to sleep: I can't get enough of your intoxicating charm. Sleep well, my irresistible temptress, and let's continue our flirtatious dance tomorrow.
- Before you close your eyes, imagine my lips lightly grazing your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
- As the night wraps you in its embrace, may you feel the whispers of my desire caressing your every thought. Sleep tight, my captivating vixen, and let's explore the depths of our passion in dreams.
- In the realm of dreams, where inhibitions fade away, let's meet and indulge in a dance of seduction.
- As you surrender to slumber, know that my thoughts of you are anything but innocent. Sleep well, my enchanting siren, and let's continue our tantalizing escapade when the morning light arrives.
- Tonight, I yearn to be the reason for your fantasies. Dream of me, my delectable seductress, and wake up to a reality where our desires intertwine.
- As the night unveils its secrets, let's explore the depths of passion in our dreams. Sleep tight, my alluring enchantress, and let your imagination run wild with the possibilities that await us.
- Before the night takes you away, let's make a pact to meet in dreams, where we can indulge in the forbidden desires that simmer between us.
Good Night Texts After She Didn't Text Back

via: Pixabay / DariuszSankowski
So she didn't text back. Don't stress! She might just be asleep already, or she might have not had her phone nearby. Now you have a chance to send a silly text to ease the tension.
Make sure you only send these texts when it's appropriate. If it's 2 am and she hasn't responded...there's probably a reason -- she's snoozing! Use these texts to reignite an ongoing conversation when the time is right. Remember that sometimes less is more when it comes to texting. You don't want her to view you as a stage 10 clinger, after all!
- As the night falls, I hope you're wrapped in tranquility. If you're busy or unable to respond, I understand. Just know that I'm here, sending you warm wishes for a peaceful sleep. Good night.
- Although the silence lingers, I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you. If you're unable to reply, it's alright. Rest well, my Queen.
- As I bid the day goodbye, I want you to know that I cherish our connection. If you're unable to respond at the moment, I hope you have a restful night and wake up to a beautiful day. Take care.
- The night sky may be starless, but my thoughts are filled with you. If you're occupied and can't reply, it's alright. Sleep well, my dear, and know that you're always in my mind. Good night.
- Though the words may go unanswered, I want you to know that I'm sending you hugs and good wishes for a peaceful night. If you're unable to respond, it's okay. Sleep tight and recharge. Good night.
- In the stillness of the night, I understand that life gets busy and messages may go unnoticed. Just wanted to remind you that I'm thinking of you and hoping you have a restful sleep. Good night.
- The night whispers its tranquility, reminding me of our connection. If you're unable to reply, please know that I'm here, sending you warm thoughts and hoping you have a rejuvenating rest. Good night.
- As the night unfolds, I wanted to send you a gentle reminder that you're always in my thoughts. If you're unable to respond, take your time. Rest well and wake up to a brand new day. Good night.
- In the realm of dreams, where time stands still, I wish you a peaceful night. If my messages went unnoticed, it's alright. Sleep tight, my dear, and know that I'm here, thinking of you. Good night.
- As the night blankets the world, I wanted to let you know that your absence hasn't dimmed my fondness for you. If you're occupied, take your time. Rest well and embrace the serenity of the night. Good night.
Romantic Good Night Messages

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
Whether you're already in a relationship, just starting one, or hoping to make a connection with that special someone, romance is fun and important. In fact, love and romance are even said to have powerful health benefits!
So when you're thinking about romantic good night messages, try to make it something that brings more joy and meaning to both of your lives. In an often challenging world, having these small reassurances at night goes an incredibly long way toward improving your life.
- As the day bids farewell and the stars emerge, know that my love for you shines brighter than any constellation. Good night, my darling, and sleep peacefully in the warmth of my affection.
- In the silence of the night, I find solace in the thought of you. You are the melody that lulls me into dreams filled with love and bliss. Good night, my precious one, and rest assured that you're cherished.
- As the moonlight caresses your gentle face, may it remind you of the tenderness with which I hold you in my heart. Sleep well, my love, and wake up refreshed, knowing you are deeply loved.
- In the realm of dreams, I am yours, and you are mine, dancing through the ethereal night. Close your eyes, my sweet, and let our love guide you to a peaceful slumber. Good night, my enchanting soulmate.
- Every night, I count the moments until I can hold you close again. But until then, let the night be our sanctuary where our souls intertwine in dreams. Good night, my love, and know that I am always with you.
- As the world grows quiet and the night unveils its beauty, I want you to know that you are the most captivating sight in my universe. Rest peacefully, my angel, and awaken to a world that adores you.
- In the tapestry of dreams, let's create a world where our love knows no bounds. So close your eyes, my dearest, and let our hearts intertwine as we journey through the night together. Good night, my eternal love.
- The night sky may be adorned with stars, but none compare to the sparkle in your eyes. Sleep well, my beloved, and let the dreams that unfold carry you to a realm of infinite love and happiness.
- Before the night claims us, let me remind you of the depth of my love. You are my everything, and your presence in my life fills me with boundless joy. Good night, my precious one, and know that I am forever yours.
- In the embrace of the night, I find solace in knowing that I have you by my side. So close your eyes, my dear, and let the serenity of the night wash over you. Good night, my love, and may our dreams intertwine until the dawn breaks.
Good Night Messages For Her Video
Good Night Text For Her Infographic

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Downloadable and Printable List of Good Night Messages For Her
Here is a downloadable and printable list of good night messages for someone special (right-click the image and select Save Image As...):

via: Mantelligence
Frequently Asked Questions
How to use good night texts?
- Be Considerate. Don't blow up her phone at 3 in the morning! These goodnight texts aren't meant to wake her up -- they're for sending her to dreamland with a smile. If you're not sure what type of sleep schedule she has, you may want to play it safe.
- Don't Worry if She Doesn't Respond. When she's getting ready to drift off into la-la land, she may not be up for a conversation. If she doesn't answer, that doesn't mean she didn't like the text. She may just be tired, charging her phone, or simply not up to chat.
- Make Each Text Count. If you send multiple goodnight texts every single night, they're going to lose their charm. Goodnight texts should be special. They should be a surprise that lets her know that she was on your mind.
- Don't Forget the Classics. Sure, these goodnight texts are amazing. At the same time, sometimes she just wants a simple "Goodnight" or "I love you." Mix up the classic goodnight texts with these more elaborate ones.
- Make Up Your Own. These texts are perfect starting points, but you may want to make up some unique ones that are relevant to your relationship. For example, you could bring up a special moment that the two of you shared earlier in the day.
When is the best time to send a good night text to your girlfriend or partner?
The best time to send a good night text to your girlfriend or partner is usually right before you go to bed. This way, your message will be one of the last things they see before falling asleep.
How can you make your good night texts more romantic or meaningful?
You can make your good night texts more romantic or meaningful by being specific about what you love about your partner, using sweet nicknames, or referencing special moments you've shared together.
How can good night texts help to strengthen a relationship?
Good night texts can help to strengthen a relationship by showing your girlfriend or partner that you are attentive and caring. They can also help to maintain a connection between you and your partner, even if you're not physically together.
Are there any potential drawbacks to sending good night texts to your girlfriend?
There are no major drawbacks to sending good night texts, but it's important to strike a balance and not be too overwhelming with your messages. It's also important to respect your partner's boundaries and preferences when it comes to communication.
More Ways On How To Talk To Girls
The classic good night text is just a small piece of the bigger picture. Learning how to talk to girls is the key to getting a girlfriend, so check out these other helpful guides so you can connect with her.
- These compliments for girls are sure to put a smile on her face.
- Conversation running dry? Use these things to talk about with a girl to keep the momentum going.
- If you've got a crush, use these things to say to a girl you like.
- If you're wondering if she's feeling you, learn how to tell if a girl likes you over text.
- Once you know how to make a girl laugh, anything is possible.